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levetzki t1_jd9s07a wrote

"Well, how are you enjoying heaven?" God asks casually. Not bothering to turn around, to acknowledge me, or anything of the sort.

"Heaven isn't the problem. The problem is why you haven't done anything. Even now you don't look at me, or heaven, or anything!" I respond.

"I am looking at something. Something important. Come here." God states and waits for me to approach. When I do, God motions out to the abyss beyond. With a wave creation occurs. Reaching out into the abyss new creation occurs. Life, rock, stars, space. Everything.

Only to be taken. To be consumed. The creation that God made is gone. More and more God creates, and more and more is vanishes into the void.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"It's a creation of mine. I had made it to want more. So it would seem out new solutions, create, and build. Instead, all it does is consume, take, and destroy. You may have heard of it."

"How would I have heard of it?" I ask.

"My early creations are recorded aren't they? And passed down." God stated. "I described it's creation in great detail."

"I don't follow." I respond.



SeriSeashell t1_jdblzjh wrote

I love the ending, I wasn't expecting that twist but it has so much potential


Remarkable-Youth-504 t1_jda1ixu wrote

I did it!

I made the world breaker!

From a young age, I knew that I was different than the rest. My parents, good people, but devout people, believed in a kind, benevolent God. I saw no evidence of any such thing. If God existed, why was the world such a effed-up place?

My atheism made me ambivalent towards God: how can you have feelings towards something that does not exist? But when that disease took my parents, and I saw the loving, caring people I once knew reduced to a slobbering mass, I felt a burning hatred in my heart. If God exists, I will find him, and I will make him pay.

Today, as I finished building the World breaker, I can peel the veil across dimensions. If there is a God, I will find him.

It took me multiple days, but I think I finally have the right settings. As the world before me vanishes, I see an unending horizon of white light. And in front of me, a massive Golden throne. And a being slumped in it.

Is it dead?

“No, not dead”, a voice inside my head: “But close to breaking”

“Good.” I voice out aloud: “Maybe you should have broken and died a long time ago. Perhaps that would have stopped giving false hopes to people “

The voice was silent for a second. “Look” it said.

And I saw a blackness, blacker than black, that was slowly eating away reality. And this being, if it was God, was holding this thing to a standstill. But it was fighting a losing battle, for it could only hold this thing back, not push it back.

Side note: If you wondered why aliens never found us, you know now. This thing ate them.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The devoured. The end of all things. The heat death of the universes.”

“Shouldn’t you be able to defeat it easily?” I sneered: “You are the OG God afterall “

“You misunderstand, child. I am the God of this Universe, while that thing is the end of all Universes that exists and all reality as you know it.”

“It has consumed an infinite number of Gods from other universes and added their power to its own. It’s more powerful than any God in any universe.”

“Eventually I will lose, and it will consume all of this Universe and me and move on to the next one. But till that moment I will hold the line so that this universe can thrive.”

As the horror of this inevitability became clear to me, I sank to my knees. Then for the first time ever, I wept.


wwiinndyy t1_jdbpq06 wrote

I would just like to add that I think it is odd such a bitter seeming character had never wept before.


Fredlyinthwe t1_jda6twc wrote

It was a dark and stormy night when the beast finally came into this world.

Bella the Tabby cat gave birth to a solitary creature in the Smithfield's residence. The beast was undiscovered for several days while it gained strength, feeding from Bella. Finally Sammy Smithfield, a little blondhaired 6 year old girl discovered the abomination with its birther. The little girl shrieked, causing her parents and older brother to come running. They all gasped when they saw the thing and Sammy continued to cry as she stomped her feet.

"Mommy, Daddy! Bella had a kitten!" Sammy shrieked excitedly. "What the? How did that happen? Bella was spayed..." "Oooh, Can I hold him?" She asked. Daddy nodded and Sammy reached down and took the kitten, he was a jet black kitten with small white spots. "I'll name him sprinkles!" Sammy said and planted a kiss on his tiny fuzzy nose.

And so, it was on that day that the menace became known to human kind as Sprinkles, son of Bella, destroyer of worlds, eater of souls, enslaver of men and worst of all, the cutest little fuzzy boi.


riyan_gendut t1_jdberrz wrote

...I was about to give you a manga recommendations, but then I remembered that it's only very technically not a hentai lmao


Fredlyinthwe t1_jdbgxus wrote

I... I guess I'm glad you kept it to yourself then? Is it about a demon lord kitty cat? Asking for a friend...


Pope-Francisco t1_jdbmahn wrote

An astronaut drifts along the cosmos. He was broken off from his shuttle & is now alone. He closes his eyes accepting his fate. But, he instead wakes up on what seems to be an invisible floor in space. He stands up confused & sees an alien like figure standing far away with his back to the astronaut. The astronaut approaches the alien, noticing its shinny blue grey skin, sleek skinny octopus like body, & a horn on top. He looks at the alien, when it suddenly turns around speaking perfect English saying “Welcome!” The astronaut jumps back with a scream. “Oh sorry, forgot to change my form!” The lain begins to morph & shape shifts into a curvy brown haired lady with a suit on. Her voice changes to a kind voice of a lady & asks “Better?” “Yeah, I guess.” The astronaut looks around & asks “is this the afterlife? Or a different dimension?” “It’s both! The afterlife a separate dimension where life energy goes to be recycled & used back onto a random planet with life!” “Cool, that’s cool. But, am I being recycled right now?” “No.” “Why? Not that it’s a bad thing.” The lady stands still, blank, until she pops out of her thought & says “Oh! Silly me! I forgot to mention your purpose!” “My purpose?” “Yes! It’s quite lovely, I’m jealous of what you get to do!” “What do I get to do?” The lady pulls a screen out from her pocket. She holds up a box showing a yes & a no button. She explains, “God has chosen you to be the last & most powerful prophet!” “His prophet?” “Yes! You’ll be tasked with ridding the world of disease, corruption, war, & much more!” “Wait a minute? I’m really flattered an all, but why doesn’t he do it himself?” “Well, he’s not a he, but that’s because he is currently busy.” “H- gods busy?” “Yes.” The astronaut takes a step back & takes a deep breath. “If he’s so busy, why didn’t the other prophets fix the world before me?” “They tried, but weren’t given enough power. Due to gods battle with the stars.” “The stars?” She lowers the box. “Originally, god had made the universe pitch black. At some point, he added planets, such as Earth. Each planet had life of its own, incredibly unique.” “Wait, really?” “Yes. And it was just a year before the dinosaurs went extinct that a hole ripped in the cosmos. From the cosmos, blinding tendrils grabbed ahold of millions of planets & killed their creatures, eventually reaching your planet too. God fought back furiously. He eventually managed to contain the blinding beast & split it up into little bits, what you also know as stars.” The astronaut looked at the stars around him, just tying to image when they all were before hand, the giant beast they created. He couldn’t fathom the scope of the monster. “God also took the dead planets, which are almost every single planet, & have them orbit these stars, exhausting the beast. Eventually. At the same time, some stars have broke here & there, forcing god to keep them from breaking. This of course has consumed gods time & energy.” “Holy shit.” “And that’s where you come in. Your planet was made to create a prophet. God would lend some powers to them, but the powers proved quite weak. He eventually decided to save it, leading up to you to use it. You’ll be able to perform some of gods duties, first as restoring order to your planet, creating new life & adding order there too, & then helping god to finally destroy the beast.” The astronaut sits down, processing the information. It feels overwhelming, but he somehow understands the importance of it all. “So I’m meant to return things as they once were.” “Correct.” “…I’ll do it, if it means Earth can improve & new life can be made.” “Excellent!” The lady hands him an egg. “Break this egg & you will be sent back to earth where you will begin your first step & be given new powers.” “Ok. But, I’d just like to know.” “Yes?” “Where is god? If all these stars are the monster, where is god right now?” “God is everywhere.” “What?” “God is the dark, he is space between matter, gravity even. He helps keep this universe together. While it may not make a whole lot of sense right now, you’ll eventually understand.” The astronaut looks at the egg, back at the lady & smiles. “I think I will.” He cracks the egg.


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Crystal1501 t1_jd8iqk9 wrote

This is a really good prompt, but I need someone to explain how 'infinity' can 'run out' lmao.


MasterV3ga OP t1_jd95sde wrote

I didn't really have the space to cram it into the prompt, and I didn't want to color other people's ideas too much, but mostly I was trying to imply a threat of a magnitude beyond human comprehension, such that even an entity we perceive as infinite and all-powerful must focus their entire being to fight it.

The conceit here is that God may as well be infinite to us as 3.5 dimensional beings, but on the realm of other Nth demensional beings, perhaps He is not so infinite after all. It's a cosmic horror answer to the question "If God is all-powerful and all-good, why is there evil in the world?" God is busy making sure every last soul on Earth and in the afterlife doesn't become a Cthulu snack.

Glad you liked the prompt, though. Perhaps I should have worded it differently. :)


Crystal1501 t1_jd966fo wrote

No, wording's fine, it was just something I thought of!


VinesAtMidnight t1_jd8lcoe wrote

Maybe the clawing thing is equally as powerful


Crystal1501 t1_jd8n7ti wrote

Infinity - infinity = ?


That's it, God's fighting against a mathematical impossibility!


JustMeNotTheFBI t1_jd91mee wrote

There are as many real numbers as there as many imaginary numbers, but the sum of those two is still less than the amount of complex numbers (if my 3 seconds of brain usage hasnt failed me)


za419 t1_jdb5ea1 wrote

So... God's the Emperor of Mankind, and we secretly live in 40k?

..... Yeah, you know what, that's not the least plausible idea....


riyan_gendut t1_jdbei2i wrote

the God of the Bible in the Highschool DXD light novel outright died in order to seal a being called Trihexa/666. Just thought it's related.


Pope-Francisco t1_jdcy867 wrote

Astronaut I am, floating in the endless void. Just as my breath is meant to end, a nice curvy lady appears. She welcomes me to the after & moves me back into a new womb. But before I leave, I ask if gods real. A yes I hear, anger boils inside my skull. If he’s alive, why did he make humanity so evil? Why are we suffering? Is it just a game? A play? The lady responds “He would if he could. But currently he’s occupied with the star.” “The stars?” “The stars.” I learn of the true origins of our cosmos. A blinding creature was sent from another, made to rip & tear. But god captured the pest. He severed its illuminating body bit by bit into our stars. If god even let’s one star break away from his might wrath, all will be consumed. For the time being, god will hold these stars together & let them die out, killing the pest.