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Jufilup t1_jcqkolk wrote


"Oh," The doctor looked over. "Sorry."

"That's, like, not cool. Like, I need to speak to someone, to like, complain."

"I'm sorry." The doctor repeated. "I was shooting for some levity."

"Levity?!" The patient's daughter asked. "Did you think that was funny, mom?"

Mom's chest raised and lowered ever so slowly as the breathing machine worked.

"She wouldn't have thought that was funny." The daughter said.

"I'm sorry, really. Long day." The doctor said awkwardly. "I can go get one of my colleagues..."

"No," she said. "Let's get on with it."

The doctor inserted the syringe silently this time.

Her mother passed peacefully.


Raxtuss1 t1_jcqooad wrote

Becuse of third sentence, i thought someone tried to euthanase ultra shaggy


Tberlin21 t1_jcqt8x8 wrote

The Golden Four has protected the world from dangers for the past three decades. Tornado Girl, Lightning King, Judge Justice, and Immoral Man. Well, at least we did, Tornado Girl became a tornado mother and retired for her twin boys, Lightning King had to return to the cloud kingdom to end to turmoil his absence left, and the final straw was Judge Justice when he destroyed a city under mind control and "Judged" himself when he regainedhis senses. Now it's just me, the "Immoral Man," but Immoral doesn't mean un aging...

"Are you sure you want to go through with this, sir? You know I owe you life, and I'd do anything for you, but this beyond extreme." Dr. Mercy protests. 15 years ago, he was the cruel Dr. Merciless, but after Judge Justice showed him the consequences of his actions, he beg for mercy. I was the one who saw the genuine repentance and convinced the others to let him have a second chance.

"Mercy, I'm an old man, I was an old man when we met. I am 95 years old, and I can feel it. My friends, family, and even my enemies are dead or astranged. The World Heros Association took my job, I never took the time to find a wife or have kids, and you are the only one who can put me out of my misery. Please kill me."

"There was a time I would have given my right hand to hear you say that, but that was a long time ago." He lets out a little chuckle and holds up a syringe, "If this won't kill you, nothing will."

A combination of the world's 1,000 most deadly pathogens, 100s of deadly compounds, and 5 mL of air to seal the deal.

"Thank you, you are my only remaining friend."

As the serum is injected directly into his heart, the Immoral Man begins to convulsed and his vitals go wild. After 3 hours, his vitals finally come to a halt.

"Goodbye, old friend..."

On an autopsy table at Hero's Memory Morgue, the Immoral Man has his heart removed, and suddenly is regenerated, the openings close, and he sits straight up.


Edit: Immortal, not Immoral


Mitchelltrt t1_jcqyn8o wrote

Immortal, not Immoral. Immoral Man is his supervillain alter-ego.


Trayan711 t1_jcr45xf wrote

Well immortal does mean unaging and un ending so I think they were trying to find whatever word would mean undying and they ran with that


Thegrayman46 t1_jczi1nc wrote

immortal means undying, modern parlance added the unaging portion.


Trayan711 t1_jd0u6fv wrote

Immortal, definition :Living for ever; never dying or decaying

cited from Oxford languages which is the dictionary currently used for Google

Undying, definition : lasting forever

Also the term immortal was often used for God's in mythology and gods could in fact die, but for example most Greek and Roman gods do not age


Thegrayman46 t1_jd1yf3e wrote

decay happens after death, so makes could live forever always getting older and older, have dementia for eternity, chronic back pain, broken limbs healed at awkward angles etc...still alive, just not eternal youth


Trayan711 t1_jd26ly3 wrote

Your body is decaying now and replicating cells constantly the reason you "decay" after death is bc your cells are nolonger replicating and aging occurs bc your cells slowly forget how to replicate properly so in turn if you do not decay your cells would not die there for you would not age since your cells would not need to replicate and forget how to do so


Thegrayman46 t1_jd2kvl7 wrote

Nope, humans age due to telomeres shortening each time the cell divides. You decay or rot because your body no longer is maintaining homeostasis...blood no longer moves through providing nutrients. oxygen etc, and it allows for forgein bacteria, fungus etc to start growing. Cells divide constantly for various reasons, if they didnt your immune system couldnt adapt, your brain wouldnt retain memories or skills, couldnt create muscle memory etc without what you call decay. Immortal literally means not dying, its in the actual word. Doesnt say unaging, immune to disease, immune to injury. Just means your not gonna die. Not that you'll stay forever young.


Thegrayman46 t1_jd2l5xf wrote

Also meaning changes if its a noun vs adjective according to mirriam-webster


MandosOtherALT t1_jcrd2n9 wrote

"Nononono!" I get injected, yelling in pain, and he takes the syringe out. I squirm in the chair that I'm bound to. Red veins appear across some of my skin, and I yell in pain again. After a minute or two, my body goes limp. I then start breathing fast and then slow but hard.

"wh- How?! You're alive!" The guy makes a fist in anger.

I look at the man and spit at him. "Nothing will, hm?" I squirm, break out of my boundings, and launch myself at him with an experimenting knife. "Say hello to Nelson for me." I then stab him in the hard and twist, then pull it out.. He is dead, and I am free.

[the prompt reminds me of project 863 but an extended universe]


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N0V-A42 t1_jcrdvo3 wrote

An immortality serum that has a high chance of killing you. If it doesn't kill you it worked and you're now immortal so nothing can kill you now.