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SciencesnObjects40 OP t1_jdzr44p wrote

Every friday night, Mr Robinson took the elevator bringing a new woman up to his apartment.

Every saturday morning, Mr Robinson took the elevator alone, to go down to his car, to work.

He lived on the 12th floor of the apartment block on Mileland Road.

One day, after word got out that the women never did, the police came to investigate.

They asked the landlord for the key to Apartment n°617, on the 12th floor.

"There's no 12th floor", said the landlord.

Upon entering the elevator, the police was forced to realize that Indeed, there was no 12th floor. They left, and Mr Robinson was never heard of again.

But it is said that sometimes, when a woman enters the elevator on a friday night, another button appears, labeled 12.

Pressing this button, will lead you to a room, filled with women, not a single one alive. And getting out of the elevator, you will be followed by Mr Robinson.

On saturday morning, he will take the elevator alone.