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Pope-Francisco t1_jdyy9vn wrote

The superhero, Barracuda Steel, hiked up to a mountain, facing a large cliff. Inside, Titan was having some tea with his daughter, Rebecca, while they talked about some crime dramas. Barracuda Steel then shot right through the cliff & into Titan’s lair.

“What the fuck was that?!” “Bring her back Titan!” Titan looked at his surveillance to find Barracuda ripping & tearing through his stuff with lighting speed. “Who’s her? I haven’t even kidnapped someone yet!” Rebecca scrunches up in her chair. “Oh you gotta be kidding me, your dating him?!” “Ok, I didn’t know he’d know I’d be here!” “Well you certainly did something wrong.” “Is it my fault that you drove to my place with your suit on?” “Touché.” The lair begins to rumble. “Alright, I’m tired of your boyfriend & his tantrum, I’m gonna kill his ass.” “Wait! I have a plan to get him out of here with less damage!” “Go on.”

A moment later, Titan stands before Barracuda Steel with his arms cross. “What the hell is all of this? I try to take a day off & you wreck my place?” “Ha! Nice try! But I know what you did!” “Do what? Steal your girlfriend?” “RAAAAAH!” He lunges for Titan, Titan doesn’t budge. But just as he is about to pierce Titan chest, his ear piece suddenly goes off & Rebecca begins to talk to Barracuda. “Honey? Where are you?” Barracuda stops. “Apple pie?!” “Apple pie?” “Where are you? Are you ok? I’ll save you!” “What the hell are you talking about? I went to a dress up party & come back to our place to find the door broken! And don’t try to lie to me! Your suits gone.” “…Oh.” “Do you mind explaining yourself?” “Um… yeah, that’s… long story really!” “What ever, explain yourself when you get back.” “Right! Be there Apple Pie!” Rebecca hangs up & Barracuda looks at Titan. “Sorry for the misunderstanding.” “Whatever, remember the fact that I don’t do crime on weekends.” “Right… bye!” Barracuda dashes off blushing. Titan than pulls out his phone. “Nice idea for me teleporting you back to your place to make it seem like you never came here.” “Aw thanks! Your dress up party was a good idea too!” “Thanks, maybe we should plan together more often. Would really help me against Cosmic Mind!” “Sorry, college has got me all tied up.” “Ah, that’s fine, it’s important to focus on school!” “Thanks Dad! But, I would still love to do some villain planning with you after I graduate college & become a teacher!” “That’s my girl! Love you!” “Love you too!”

In the end, everything works out. Rebecca becomes a great 2nd grade teacher & helps her dad with planning anti-hero schemes. Rebecca also dumps Barracuda for being too possessive, all while Titan enjoys learning pottery.