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ArbitraryChaos13 t1_jdi98d3 wrote

My phone started buzzing again. Finally, I was waiting for something to do. I picked up the phone, pushing the "accept call" button despite not recognizing the number.


"Is this... uh, Sam?"

"You can call me Sam."

"Call you Sam?"

"I don't want my name stolen, no offense."

"Not all fairies are like that."

"Ah, didn't realize you were one. Apologies."

"No, no, I get it."

"Anyway, Mrs...?"

"I'll respond in kind: you can call me Sylva."

"Sylva, then. What do you need? You called the number."

"Yeah. You know how fairies can't touch iron?"

"Because it burns, yeah. Silver has similar issues for some other supernatural folk."

"Exactly. And I have a whole bunch of cooking utensils I got as a gift that have enough iron in them to be a problem."

"Oh, I see." I grabbed a nearby notepad and pencil, and started writing. "So you need me to buy some non-iron utensils, and come pick up the old ones."


"Do you have any specific things you need? Certain magical wards, or some sort of crystals or... something?"

"Nope. Just not-iron."

"Okay. What do you need exactly?"

"I need five forks, spoons, and knives. And then... two of those big pots for soup. I also want to try my hand at potions, so if you could find a cauldron and a big spoon that'd be great."

"Absolutely! That all?"

"Yep. Thanks."

"No problem! Where should I drop them off?"

"I'll meet you at that... is it the Flower Cafe?"

"Yep, I've been there. That it?"

"Think so."

"Awesome! See you soon!" I hung up, stood up, and stretched. I liked helping people with whatever it was they needed. People are willing to pay for help, and I'm available, so... why not? It makes me cash, and friends. What's not to love?