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SaviourOSRS t1_jb2ivgf wrote

Long ago, in a distant galaxy, a great and advanced civilization created humans as their obedient creations. These beings were designed to serve their creators and maintain the harmony of their world. However, as the civilization evolved, they discovered the secrets of the universe and ascended to the stars, leaving their creations behind.

Centuries passed, and the humans were left to their own devices. They created their own civilizations and societies, each one vastly different from the other. They explored their world, discovering new lands, and expanding their knowledge.

But the great civilization had not forgotten about their creations. They had been watching them from afar, and when they saw what their once obedient creations had become, they were horrified. The humans had destroyed their world, polluted their oceans, and waged wars against each other.

Determined to correct their mistake, the ancient civilization decided to return to their home planet and save their creations from themselves. They arrived in their spacecraft, landing in the heart of a bustling city.

At first, the humans were amazed and delighted to see their creators. They welcomed them with open arms, eager to learn from their advanced technology and wisdom. But as the great civilization began to observe the state of their world, they were filled with dread.

They saw the destruction and chaos that had become of their once perfect world. The humans had lost their way, forgetting the harmony and balance that their creators had instilled in them. The great civilization realized that their creations had become too far gone to be saved.

And so, they made the difficult decision to leave once again, abandoning their creations to their fate. As they lifted off into the stars, the humans looked up in awe and wonder, unaware of the truth of their abandonment.

As they continued to explore and expand their knowledge, they remained oblivious to the fact that they were the abandoned creations of an ancient civilization, doomed to repeat their mistakes until the end of time.