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Xexotic_wolfX OP t1_jcrq48s wrote

That might work, since I already know who the victim and the murderer are gonna be. And I already have an idea on how the first scene/chapter is gonna play out.

I just don’t know about any of the other chapters yet


WokeJabber t1_jcrtlvk wrote

Write an outline, filling it in and correcting it as your ideas develop and change.

Use a big white board or cork board with lots of connections, like a conspiracy theorist.

Write by hand whenever you can, pencil is better than ink.

When you get stuck with the actual writing, tweak the outline and play with the connections.

Listen to good actors read early to mid 20th century short stories and mystery novels.

No, I do not write fiction, but I do some writing.


Xexotic_wolfX OP t1_jcrumrt wrote

These sound like some good ideas, I may try them. Thank you.


NextEstablishment856 t1_jcry3jq wrote

Not gonna lie, anything longer than a couple pages makes me grab the yarn and tacks. The tactile experience really helps get you in the mindset.