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TentacleJihadHentai t1_jdnwg7q wrote

All fifteen of them laid bonded in carbon nanotube chains, utterly bound to the diamond carbon nanotube wall, suspended 400 feet above the underground floor to deter escape attempts.

Thankfully, telekinesis allowed me to fly. Giving me the luxury of staring at them in the eyes.

And yet. No answers...

"So...out of the entire extended family here, not one of you can point out the original ancestor. In fact, you do not even know why you all have been hunting me for..."

The Great Wall...


The Islamic Conquests...

Restitutor Orbis...





"Gobleki Tepe..."

15 sets of eyes blinked at me.

"Err. Maybe not that far..." one of them, an olive skinned male, said.


"THE PYRAMIDS ARE OUR INHERITANCE!!!" they attacked my ears in unison.

"So. What can I have done 4,700 years ago that still offends you today? You know what, I think 47 centuries of assaults and harassment and murder attempts make up for it. But!" And I gave a good pause. "You clearly disagree. So now is the chance that your ancestors would had loved to had. Scream at me." They stared back blankly. "Well now, don't be shy now of all times. Speak up."

They stared blankly.

"Let me tell you what your ancestors efforts gave me. The 'justice'."

"Ahem. 2540 BCE, the first attempt. My wife at the time, and 7th overall chronologically, died of miscarriage after the stress of seeing me get an arrow through my knee."

They shifted nervously.

"Before you ask me what I did in retaliation... nothing. A lion ate the fool three years later. I would had personally impaled him on a burning pike, but death by hungry lion is an alright second I guess."

"But before I continue this list... none of you have yet to tell me what I have done to deserve this."

One of them, a 33 year old woman by the looks of her, moved to speak.

I immediately flew over and faced her eye to eye, not four feet apart.

"Well? Speak your piece," I said as my arm outreached, offering my open right palm towards her.

"According to the legends..." She began.

"According to the legends, as in... you are uncertain if it is even true. Correct me if I am wrong."

"I, uhm."

"My apologies. How rude of me. Please continue," I responded, forcing as much pleasantries into my voice as I can.

"You apparently killed Khufu in a blood sacrifice to gain your immortality," she told me.

I blinked.

"That would be a good reason indeed. However there three major flaws to this theory," I whispered.

"First off, Khufu was mummified, so any sort of that would had made it into the historical record, as they would had noticed the ritual stabbing marks while preparing him, no matter how well I may have hid the wounds."

"Second off, may I add that I was around 6000 years old around this time? And before you say I am lying, I believe all of you know enough magic to perform Deceit Detection. Which you know, is infallible."

"And the third reason?" Another, some Slavic looking girl, asked.

She's not above twenty is she? Abit too young to risk death...

"Assuming you reason blood for blood, may I add that over the course of the past 4700 centuries, your bloodline wiped out my entire progeny. Six. Separate. Times?"

I began laughing as I cried.

"Six. Separate. Times. Hell in the most recent one four hundred years ago, you literally stabbed my infant son in his pregnant mothers' arms! Hell, and then she died in childbirth while I was too busy fighting off you zealots."

They remained silent. Some turned away.

"Now let me answer something your ancestors died asking me. How is magic exactly discovered and used? Well, you are born with it."

They blinked back.

"Well, you can circumvent this requirement by either consuming the blood of a magic user, and do this enough times you get it permanently. Albeit inferior to the person who's blood you drunk. Or, you can use genetic modification."

"So...they are not witches?"

It was my turn to blink.

"I have a question. Why is it 'witchcraft and heresy' for others to use magic, but for you and your allies it is 'miraculous and holy intervention'?" I asked.

"Well, ours is safe," some man spoke out.

"Well of course it is, your ancestors stole the knowledge from me. As proof..." and I tossed him a 10000 year old book, with its pages flipping just fast enough for him to finish reading.

"Any other counter-arguments? Anyways back to discussion. Magic, in essence, is the next step of evolution. As we gained sapient thought, eventually our ancestors gained souls, and with it, Soul Energy. Immortality. The power of reincarnation and resurrection."

"So our priesthood..."

"Singlehandedly held back humanity by..."

75,850 years came up in a screen behind me I had come down.

"Do not worry, that is nowhere close to the Catholic Church!" I jovially responded.

435,250 years

"Who would had fucking thought killing all magic capable people on sight would have ZERO repurcussions! And to think back in my day Jesus Christ would had been considered normal. At least the Brahmin weren't as stupid. If only they did not self-destruct," I explained.

"How did the Brahmin self-destruct?" some eighteen year old boy asked.


TentacleJihadHentai t1_jdnzm8u wrote

"Well first off. Do you see the Hindu priesthood throwing magic WMDs around today?" I asked him.


"Second off. They self-destructed because of... to summarize... 'Brahmastra', 'Indraastra', 'Suryaastra', 'Agniyastra, Brahmashirsha Astra.

"All you did was add 'Astra' to some pagan gods' names," the technically an adult said.

"First off, Agniyastra," I declared as I closed my hands together as if to pray. And as I separated them, a lance-like arrow of Transcendent Divine Soulflame manifested in my between them, the flame prismatic like the reflection of a diamond and emanating golden light. It's radiance was almighty, yet it did not hurt our eyes.

"Agni, the Lord of Flames, the Burning One. Astra, means arrow. And this arrow," I pointed at the Transcendent Magic right in front of me.

They are wide-eyed. Good, they can sense, if barely, it's majestic strength.

"Has more power in it than the combined nuclear arsenal of America and Russia. And it is made entirely out of its namesake."

"And how many of them were thrown?" The first one to talk, Ibrahim if the others thoughts were correct, asked.

"Only 1 per 1000 Astras detonated. The rest were negated by each other. But over a thousand were successfully used. And it reset human history."


"1.8 billion in Ancient India alone. Those are immediate casualities in an eighteen day war. Probably higher once you take in the nuclear winter effect."


"So... over the course of this history lesson. I realized something," I began.

Ibrahim raised his eyebrow.

"I objectively cannot justify showing you all mercy."

They remained silent.

"First off, your entire bloodline has been a menace to humanity, not just me."

"Second off, not only were you menaces. Your ancestors in particular actively decried inventors as heretics rebelling against whatever God(s)^TM your family believed in. Congratulations on killing the inventor of modern medicine fourteen times over. Well done."

"Finally, while the Catholic Church has no idea of magics actual existence, you do! And you did way worse proportionally on a per capita basis."

They were not silent. They were trying to scream. But I was not letting them.

"Add effect Reincarnation Cessation to Agniyastra."

There was some tossing, some light, and then a man floated in silence, a spear of beautiful flames in hand.