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Pope-Francisco t1_jedgo3t wrote

The elevator door slowly opened revealing a lady with a suit. She walks out & looked around to find a bunch of people on the ground dozing off into space along with food, drinks, & blood covered the ground. She walked passed some naked bodies, some were missing limbs, some were dead. She made her way to the kitchen to find a robbed man chowing down on puffy marshmallow like arm attached to a dead women.

“Jesus Christ.” “Where?! Oh! Hello Liz! How are you doing this morning?” “It’s 3:50am.” “Really?? That’s odd, swore it was later.” The man began to tilt & a orange juice poured out from his mouth. “What did you do this time?” “What do you mean?” “Stop playing dumb, your excessive drug use is out of hand Star Mind.” “Just call me Dave man!” “Upper management is sick of your shit, either you get your act together for once or you’re done.” Dave then floats in the air, belly up & gets close to Liz. “What do you mean by done exactly? Are you gonna take me out?” “If necessary.” “Ha! Please, as if a mere human like you could kill me! Don’t get too cocky kid.” “I’m 6 years older than you.” “Whatever, just get out of my face.” Liz swings at Dave & knocks him to the ground. “The fuck? How much did those mushrooms mess me up? Whatever.” Dave then stood up to throw a vase at Liz, she grabbed it & threw it back. Dave then held out his hands & made a shield of snakes, blocking the vase. But, Liz suddenly appeared beside Dave & broke his leg with her heal. “Aaagh!” He fell again & Liz grabbed him by the hair & threw him into a wall. He cushioned himself with some pillows made out of thin air, but Liz then jumped at him. He quickly dodged her attack & flew away. “This bitch is crazy!” Liz ran after Dave as he flew to the elevator door, but before he could reach it she grabbed him. She grabbed his bad leg & slammed him to the ground. “Uuugh, fuck.” Once on the ground, she took her foot & snapped his left arm. “Agh!” And then crushed his right hand. “That was my jerking hand!” She kicked him in the face & turned him around. “What the fuck?! How am I losing to a C class like you?! I bet it’s because of those fucking drugs!” “No, your powers are perfectly fine, I’m just stronger.” Slap! “And the bosses like to make sure others don’t know.” She slapped Dave’s face back & forth with rapid speed, leaving scratches on his cheeks & eventually revealing his teeth. And with one final slap, his head was spun around. She dropped Dave & pulled out a phone. “…Yeah, it’s done… Let’s say it was Black Bolt this time.”