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Torquey_the_ox66 t1_jdcqnxo wrote

It has been 20 years since the Monkey King imbued the seven with his powers, as time passed, the power has warped their minds and caused them to crave more power. The Seven have amassed massive armies and became warlords. Now, the 7 are united in their quest for more power and are planning an attack on the gods of man.

As the Jade Emperor and The All-Father meet to unit forces to help stem the tide of chaos, The Monkey King stands in chains on the Bifrost looking down at the chaos he created he lets out a laugh, “I will get a rise out of the gods this day.” As the Army of Asgard, led by Thor, meets the The Army of Heavenly Light on the battlefield in the Human realm, Odin and Yudi are discussing strategy to stem the end of times. “Yudi, How could this happen? This will surely bring Ragnarok upon us!” “Alas I have been to lenient with Sun Wukong. He has finally gone too far. I never expected that it would come to this. Once he became the disciple of Tang Sanzang I expected that he would become more regal, and I would finally be able to welcome him back to the Celestial Palace.” Exclaims Yudi with a fatherly disappointment in his expression and tone. “I know the story of Your battle with Sun Wukong, I too have a son that is a Trickster. Although I am surprised to find that this was not the doing of Loki,” states Odin as he puts a hand on Yudi’s shoulder.” We will figure this out, my friend.”

 Loki, not to be out done, sneaks past the guards to get to the Monkey King. The Monkey King, able to see through Loki’s trick, starts talking to Loki. The guards on watch assume he is up to a trick and pay The Monkey King no heed.” I am here to free you so we can have some fun,” states Loki. Laughing the Monkey King asks” What is your plan to get us out of here?" “Oh, you’ll see,” in a flash, Loki takes out the Asgardian and Heavenly Light Guards, snaps his fingers and the Shackles restraining the Monkey King disappear as if they were never there. “I see that they used dwarven steel to restrain you. No wonder you couldn’t free yourself.” Giggling the Monkey King replies,” Not a lot of dwarves in our realm. I am Sun Wukong, The Monkey King” he states as he gives Loki a comical bow. “Loki, Son of Laufey, and Blood Brother with His Mightiness Odin.” Loki states, returning the same comical bow. As the two tricksters smile at each other, Loki asks,” Are you ready to make some mischief?” The Monkey King nods and giggles as they are transported to the human realm to cause Chaos. Unknown to the Monkey King, Loki plans to bring about Ragnarok to finally end Odin’s Reign over Asgard, pinning the crime on Sun Wukong.