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Remarkable-Youth-504 t1_jdd65kf wrote

It wasn’t until a millennia that Trogos truly understood his folly.

Trogos was always the mischievous one: a prank here, a trick there, and suddenly some God is out of a favoured possession (or into a humiliating position, preferably both).

But Gods are patient. And they have time eternal.

So it came to pass that they figured out how to deal with Trogos. And the best way was to completely ignore him. After all, you can’t be humiliated by someone you never interact with, right?

Trogos took it about as well as a hive of live wasps in his bread. His whole existence revolved around mischief, and without mischief he started to fade.

In desperation (and a little bit of anger), he created the ultimate prank: He gave away parts of his power to seven misfits, seven human beings who were crazy even by human standards.

This was epic madness even by Trogos standards. Sure to drive all the Gods nuts and make them finally acknowledge Trogos again.

But for a while nothing happened.

Curious, Trogos peeped into the world of the mortals again.

The first human, used his power to bring fire and civilisation to humans. These pathetic creatures could now form city and city states. He died in the process, and his story was told as a cautionary tale.

The second brought maths and science to the humans, and the human civilisation grew by leaps and bounds.

The third created arts and philosophy, and humans became worshipers of beauty, patrons of the abstract.

The fourth used his power to become the immortal empire, the ruler of all human subjects.

The fifth used his power to overthrow and imprison the fourth, with help from second and third. Unfortunately they spent most of their energy in the effort, and died shortly afterwards.

The sixth taught empathy, and medicine, to the subjects of the broken empire, and the humans were back to becoming altruistic.

But the seventh….

The seventh turned out to be deadliest of all. He further distributed his power to his kin, and their clan has slaughtered all the Gods except Trogos. They did this in order to become the new Gods.

Even now, Trogos knows that he is being hunted. The father of the seventh, ancient and brainwashed, imbibed with what originally was Trogos’ power, now hunts Trogos himself. He truly believes that he is a God, lord of the hunt, the Allfather.

And the seventh appears from time to time to Trogos, only to taunt and remind him that Trogos’ time is at an end, and disappear.

And Trogos shivers, and feels cold as his immortality and Godhood slowly leave him. He can already feel the humans forget him, forget that a trickster God name Trogos ever existed.

They only remember the Seventh and his clan now. They believe that the seventh and his clan has always existed.

They worship the Seventh as the only trickster God to have ever existed. Loki.