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DoomGloomAngst t1_jcnt45d wrote

Dear diary,

Today was a bad day. Mom and Uncle Rick said we couldn't stay at the bookstore we've been camping in the last few days because the sick people found it. I don't get why they are both always so mean to the sick people. They said it's because they want to hurt us but when I had the flu last year I never wanted to hurt anyone and I made funny noises too. I thought maybe if I brought them some of my favorite books they might see we can get along and it would help them feel better? Mom always said being happy is an important part of being healthy when dad was around. I just want everyone to get along like they used to.

Anyway, I promised Mom and Uncle Rick I'd stay in our secret hideout while they got some stuff we needed but it was super boring and we're leaving soon anyway so I thought it wouldn't be a big deal to go meet a sick person without any mean adults and give them my books and cheer them up a little.

I found a nice looking sick boy and tried to give him my books but it turns out he definitely was mean. He didn't even look at my books and just pushed me over and hit my back a lot and it hurt really bad. I screamed and Uncle Rick found me and hit the boy a lot of times even after he stopped moving. I don't get why everyone is so mean all the time.

Mom and Uncle Rick were really really mean after that. I just tried to do a nice thing like Mom always told me to do growing up and now she keeps crying and yelling. Uncle Rick keeps giving me really mean looks especially. I think him and mom are talking about me because I can't hear what words they are saying except for when mom screams more. I tried to hug them and tell them I'm sorry but both of them didn't even want my hugs this time and mom never says no to my hugs so I think I'm in extra big trouble. I'm going to try and sleep now, see you tomorrow diary!


WHOAAA, GUESS WHAT DIARY? IT'S A SUPER SPECIAL TWO ENTRY DAY! ^__^ Mom and Uncle Rick aren't mad anymore! They woke me up and said what I tried to do was really really nice and they love me so so much. They said they weren't mad at me even a little bit! They gave me my own special sleeping spot in my own room even to say sorry for yelling and said tomorrow we can do ANYTHING I wanted. I can't wait to tell you all about it tomorrow!