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semiloki t1_jcozpf8 wrote

Thursday, March 24th

Whitfield is completely overrun. Barely escaped with my life. From the hill on the outskirts I saw Shamblers along the uptown area. None near the grocery store on the edge of town. I thought I could chance it if I was was quick and remained stealthy. Pried open the backdoor without being discovered. The storeroom beyond had largely been raided by previous parties. I decided to investigate the main store and looked out from the storeroom. The interior of the store was filled with highly decomposed Shamblers and at least two fresher Runners. I barely escaped. As I jumped the fence beyond my leg must have gotten tangled in the razor wire. I have bandaged it for now, but the wound still aches. I used the last of my alcohol in cleaning it. I hope I don't succumb to infection. It would be embarrassing to make it this far only to die from that.


Saturday, March 26th

My limp has been slowing me down. I have been forced to travel away from the cities and across open ground. This is slow going in the best of times but now it means I will be lucky to make it to Hargrove by the end of next week. If my supplies last that long. I think I may have a fever so it looks like I didn't clean that wound out well enough. It looks bad today, but the bleeding has stopped so that is encouraging. I also think being sick is making me feel less hunger as I really haven't had much of an appetite. Maybe that will extend my supplies. Regardless, Jean should be waiting for me in Hargrove. I have to keep reminding myself of that as that one thought is all that is allowing me to push on like I am.

Sunday, March ?

Walked all day. Very much walking. Hungry again. Food gone off. Spit it out. Find something later, maybe? Slept much yesterday. But tired today. Like cloud settling in. Hungry and hard to think. Must be fever. I think they have medicine in the place. Place with Jean.

Tuesday March 55

Hard to write. Hard to think. Walking and hungry. Didn't stop last night. Kept walking. Tired, but hurts to stop. Easier to keep going. Leg hurts less. Don't really feel anything anymore. Kind of numb. Still going place. See Jean soon.


Writing. Jean.

Saw Jean. Ran to her. Not so hungry. Where Jean?