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micahamey t1_je8p5qb wrote

Growing up, I had always been careful, never rushing into anything without thinking it through. My parents used to tell me stories of how I would cautiously approach even the smallest decisions. Little did they know that this cautious nature would lead me to retain my one wish that everyone was granted at birth.

In our world, every person was born with the ability to have one wish granted. However, the cruel twist was that most people unknowingly squandered it during infancy, wishing for food or a diaper change. I, on the other hand, had somehow managed to hold onto my wish for 19 years without even realizing it.

Now, as a 19-year-old, I found myself growing increasingly restless, feeling the urge to finally use my wish. The possibilities were endless, and the responsibility weighed heavily on my shoulders. For days, I pondered over what to wish for, considering the potential consequences of each choice.

I contemplated wealth, happiness, and even world peace, but with each passing day, I grew more conflicted. My wish had survived for 19 years, and I didn't want to waste it on something frivolous or short-sighted.

One evening, as I sat at home browsing through my social media feed, I stumbled upon a post by a friend who had just adopted a rescue dog. The joy on her face and the happiness that the dog brought to her life made me realize that maybe my wish didn't have to be grand or world-changing.

With a deep breath, I closed my eyes and made my wish.

"I wish to adopt the perfect rescue pet, one that I can provide a loving home for, and who will be my loyal companion throughout life's ups and downs."

As the words left my lips, I felt a warm sensation enveloping me. When I opened my eyes, I knew my wish had been granted. The very next day, I visited a local animal shelter, where I found the most wonderful dog. We connected instantly, and I knew that I had found my perfect companion.

Though my wish may have seemed mundane compared to grander desires, it brought immense happiness and fulfillment to both my life and the life of my rescue dog. Sometimes, the most profound impacts can come from the simplest of wishes.


Fryng t1_je88h0t wrote

"Hmmm that's a good question. And to someone like me hardly a simple question to answer.

Ever since i can remember i have never felt any interest in anything. I have never managed to care about anyone either, some thlught it was because of how i was raised, but i know this is just who i am. I have never seen that sparkle in life that others seem to have when they accomplish great things either, and to be totally honest, that spark always looked shallow to me. Nothing but a chemical reaction of molecules trying to make your brain happy.

I have never craved for anyone like the others either. There has never been any goal that i have been trying to reach. All i have done is follow the path that was in front of me. Without ever moving from it as there is no point in doing so. To me life is much different compared to other peoples, i dont eat for pleasure, i don't go out to have fun, none of that.

Because to me food is just nutrients. To me Entertainment is pointless. To me toilet, shower and sleep are just maintenance. And everything outside of that is nothing but useless noise. All i do is live.

After 19 years, i can easily say that there is nothing that i want to do with my life professor. No school i want to go to. No job i want to act. No one i dream to love or cherish. No goals i wish to reach. No understanding i covet to grasp. None... Nothing.

Life has never given me any craving...

Yes... Yes indeed...

It has not.

It has never done so.

It could never do so.




... So then...

... Perhaps the answer to that lies beyond.

... Perhaps... in a plain of existence above life."


Pope-Francisco t1_jeah2z3 wrote

“You still have your wish?” “Yup.” “Holly shit! That’s amazing?” “How?” “How?! Everyone always wastes there wish when their a baby, yet you’ve managed to make it to 19. Im surprised you’ve been saving for so long.” “I haven’t been saving it though.” “What?” “Yeah, I just never really wished for much. As long as a survived that’s all I cared about.” “Hm, sounds like you.” “Yeah.” “You could at least use it at some point.” “True, but what do I use it on?” “Maybe in a life or death situation, or you could get something really nice.” “Something really nice…” a spark shoots out above both their heads. “Wait, did you just wish for something?!” “Yeah.” “What was it?” “I wished for no one to ever starve again, if they are hungry they’ll just get food in-front of themselves.” “Oh! That’s a good wish!” “Yeah.” “Although, doesn’t that mean we don’t need crops anymore? A lot of farmers will lose their jobs.” “Oh shit, your right.”


Alcoraiden t1_jeck0m0 wrote

Brian's eyes opened to a stream of incessant beeping. Steady...piercing... obnoxious. Refreshing, somehow? He squinted as his eyes aches, burned with white brilliance. It came from the square on the wall. He knew there was a concept for that, but what it was escaped him.

He was lying in something soft. Crinkly. Warm. What?

Oh...those things they pulled up onto him.


The people who passed by sometimes to sit with him. Family? They were called family! But where had he heard the word?

"Oh, good," said the dancing wisps of smoke twirling over his feet.

He stared through half-slitted eyes. Smoke didn't talk, right? He thought? He opened his mouth to ask who had spoken, but only a dry croak came out.

"Nope, no can do," the smoke replied. The way tiny lights flitted back and forth inside it as the sound rang out, it had to be the smoke. Slowly, he rolled his head to the side, and it felt like climbing a mountain. He winced and heaved a sigh.

"Window," he murmured. "Bright." Window! Another correct concept! But how? Who had told him what a window was? Why didn't he remember?

"Beautiful, ain't it?" The wisps swept over him and formed the outline of a tiny flying boy over his chest. A...fairy. "Congratulations!"

Brian stared. Congratulations? For what? He couldn't remember...but when he tried to push himself up, he saw his weak, ashen arms rise out from the blanket and flop again. His shoulders ached from the slightest motion.

"You didn't ask for physical ability," the boy said with a wag of his finger.


"You've been here since you were a little baby. This is the first time you've been with it enough to talk to me."

Brian coughed faintly and glanced at the stack of machines next to him. Ugh, if the beeping would just stop. He fumbled with the tubes running from his arms.

"I'd suggest not touching those," the fairy chuckled. "But wow, you didn't even remember me. I finally found a dream coherent enough to show up for you."


"Can't. Only you can hear me. But you wanted to wake up with the knowledge of someone your age, so here you are! You'll remember slowly, but the basics should be coming in now."

Wake up? He stared around the stark white room. Wake up...?

"Whoops, almost six. She'll be here soon. Gotta fly! Congrats, you're the oldest guy I've ever granted for!"

He was gone in a soft puff, and Brian stared through the empty air where he once was. Just as he closed his eyes again, rooting through his mind for more words, the door opened.

The nurse dropped her clipboard.


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