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Nomyad777 t1_jcbkp2s wrote


Charlie Weasley. Keeping this journal for fun, why not.

Day 1

"Not a Dragon, no." Herkson replied to my accusation. "I'm... how do I put it? Right. Well, the thing is that non-magical folk have been using the fundamental realities of the universe to help them, and have recently found ways to see past the Veil. I'm a scout from the only magical government to keep up with the non-magical's society and figure out how bad the failure would be when, not if, the Veil Failure occurs."

I snorted. That was preposterous. Muggles, doing anything more than farming? What was this guy thinking.

Herkson looked serious. "The Canadian Magical Governance Agency is going to try to break it to society that magic is real. But this is more pressing. You guys have a hard enough time staying hidden when they aren't looking for you. Image eight billion people combing the world for you.

"Oh, and also: I took dragonology back in Canada. Your course lesson is completely backwards. For example, and hear me out now, dragons are sapient."

I laughed. This was getting crazy enough for me to scoff at it, and my reputation was already something to behold.

Herkson simply strolled out the door. "When the military comes, don't underestimate their guns." Then he was gone.

Day 18

I think I lost them.

When they came to Romania, I thought that it was a prank. Then they tried to arrest us. We opened fire, and they responded with those guns. I... I can still hear the sound they made. Global war against reality warpers, or whatever. The CMGA got out mostly unscathed, the moment the first reports landed on non-magical desks worldwide they already knew about the Veil Failure and came clean. Some policy thing about crime and fraud or another, I'm no politician, and they're fine.

Still, there's a team of the guys with guns on my trail. Were. I cast an illusion spell over myself and hid in a tree, they passed right under me. One of them looked at me with those black goggles, but I think they didn't notice me.

Day 21

No, no, no! They got me. When I came down, they sprang a trap. There was a ping and then fire all around. I woke up in a hospital, where they healed me using their own magic. Science, they called it. Workings of the universe. I should have taken Herkson seriously.

Day 34

Herkson visited me today. Said that as he was responsible for writing the report on Romania, he was the de-facto representative of the region, given that the CMGA got inducted into the Canadian government.

He said that he was sorry for not doing more. Around a million wizards are dead worldwide, and another fourteen million have been captured. Basically everyone with magical powers is currently under observation, and every magical government there is (excluding the CMGA) has been charged with every type of crime there is, Fraud, tax fraud, sales fraud, money laundering, murder, and more.

I regret everything. Why couldn't I have an open mind?

Day 48

So, the Dragonic Coalition is a thing, and they managed to get away from court without too many penalties. All of the dragons that burnt villages in ages past are dead of old age anyway. The dragons got assigned bodies that they can Transfigure into, IDs, and citizenship. That's it. And I am here in this hospital.

Day 108

Got out of the hospital today, right into prison for opening fire on government authorities. Who am I kidding. I just want to see Ron again.

Day 112

The family came to visit. Percy is caught up with the ministry, but Dad got away because of his position in writing laws. I'm so happy they're safe. Bill is fine, but couldn't come because every last wizard wants to withdraw their money.

Day 136

I signed a contract about the use of magic recently and got let go on 'probation,' which is essentially they trail me where I go. Moved back home to the Burrow immediately, and I'm just waiting here. Apparently, this would have gone faster but the CMGA is swamped representing people in court cases. I saw Herkson, the guy looked like he hadn't slept since we last met. I wouldn't be surpised if he hadn't.

Still. Welcome to the Muggle world, I guess.


Fontaigne t1_jcbsl69 wrote

Love it. Happy ending, as far as I'm concerned.