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I-might-eat-u t1_jebsrrd wrote

For most people, this would be terrifying. I mean apparently you go insane if you’re isolated all your life. But not for me, to me… reality is my isolation chamber. I never did good in school, my current job sucks, and nobody has EVER talked to me unless it was required. Since I zoned out in class a lot I got the title of weird kid which was basically the end of my social life. All this caused me to end up leaning into my daydreams practically 24/7 except there would always be someone to interrupt my happiness wether it would be my boss, a classmate/co-worker, or a teacher I could never continue my dreams, it’s like getting woken up right at the good part of your dream. But now I can finally achieve everything I’ve been dreaming of. I don’t have to worry about getting disturbed in my dream I’m finally free! It’s been about year since my isolation started and I’m still so happy. I’m don’t have to worry I’m safe in here-…… my kidnapper is back. He’s knocking on the door but it’s getting distorted? What’s happening?!?! He’s opening the door… “you’ve finally woken up.” Huh? “I know you don’t know me but I’m your great great great great grandson.” “WHO?!?” I shout with a panic but he remains calm “Your great great great great grandson. You’ve been stuck in a cryogenic sleep for many many years now but you’ve finally waken up.” He calmly smiles after he said that. I reach out to touch him. He’s my first human contact in a year I didn’t know I was so desperate for human body heat this bad… as I touch him his body is cold. Oh god. I begin to panic and scream then everything distorts again and I’m back. I’m back to where I was in the beginning. I’m back to my room. To the place for one whole year. My kidnapper comes in. He simply says “I can’t believe it you actually survived.” “What? What are you talking about???” “This all an experiment” I begin to feel enraged, he’s been doing this for an experiment?!?! “My buddy bet me 1 million dollars that no one could survive a year without human contact. He gave me 5 years to get it done. I took that bet foolishly but now I’ll be rich! Thank you so much!” “THIS WAS FOR A BET?!?!” “what? What’s wrong?” “How many people did you kidnap?!?!” “50 so far you were the only one to survive.” “Survive?!” “Everyone else went crazy and killed themselves with the fork I gave them to eat with.” This man is crazy. Immediately my fight or flight activated and I grabbed my fork and stabbed him in the eye. “OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT FOR? I ONLY LOCKED YOU IN A ROOM ALONE FOR A YEAR!” “THATS WHATS WRONG!” I shouted back. He thought he was god and could just toy around with people for no reason? I killed him. I killed him brutally. He bleed and his body stiffened and his eyes became unresponsive and I was alone once again. I ran out of that room hoping for Sun. But I realized that this whole place is an abandoned government building which the only way out was through an elevator that required his voice recognition. But he’s dead and never waking up. I guess I’m just doomed to wonder this building until I die. I guess this is my last recording with this broken down camera. I guess… if you’re watching this… im dead never waking up either. I’ll never see anyone again. I’m left to my daydreams until I die. Goodbye.