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sadiematt t1_jecd61g wrote

Thank God, they're gone. They were entirely too rough. I kept telling them that I would come with them and the tape and the zip tie was overkill. It's like they had never heard those words before. It's like they thought I was mocking them?

The room is dark, but the glow from the light outside shines through the crack under the door. This isn't the kind of darkness where people lose their minds. It's peaceful.

People always tell me I should try meditating. Who has the time for that? That's just slotted "think about things" time. It's an insane concept. Sitting and not thinking? How do you even do that? There isn't enough time in the day to just sit and think much less sit and try and not think. Seriously, how do you relax with no thoughts? I haven't been relaxed since I was born and even that event, sounds extremely taxing. How am I supposed to schedule time off to ponder when I have so many other things to attend too.

I should be questioning why I'm here, but that isn't top of mind. I'm so tired. It's been a long day and an even longer evening. My wrists hurt. The blow up matres and the plane pillow and blanket they have provided me will do the trick. I fall asleep almost instantly.

I'll try and figure out the meditation thing tomorrow, if that day comes.