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gaborrero t1_jbo1wet wrote

Assumptions | (201 words)

Katherine sat hunched over her laptop, the world of pastries and coffee around her no more than a delicious afterthought. Her fingers glided easily across the ergonomic surface of her keyboard that her eyes never even focused on once. She had been doing this for years, and yet, this post she was writing...

... was interrupted by the local barista placing her latte down next to her. "Miss, your drink."

She didn't spare him so much as a glance, even as he continued to stand there, waiting for who-knew-what. When she realized he wasn't budging, her typing slowed to a halt and she dragged her gaze up to his goatee'd face. "... what?"

"You're here every day. I was just wondering-" Katherine picked up her cup and took a sip of her latte. She set it down with a loud *CLINK* and went back to typing, not sparing him another glance. "... wow," he muttered under his breath. He turned on his heels and walked away.

In another time or place, Katherine might have cared about how rude she appeared. But this bombshell wasn't going to write itself, and her twenty followers relied on her to give them an unbiased perspective on cutting-edge news!


FyeNite t1_jc445xp wrote

Hey gaborrero!

Wow, you managed to tell so much story in so few words. I really like how you focused on Katherine here, and all in one location too. I like how you used her interaction with another person to show what kind of person she was. And to even then explain that away. So much characterisation going on here.

I think you also did a great job of setting the mood of this story. Relaxed and uncaring. We focus pretty heavily on Katherine, and I like how the barista isn't even given a chance to properly explain himself.

Very well done!

I do just have a few bits and bobs for you,

> Her fingers glided easily across the ergonomic surface of her keyboard that her eyes never even focused on once.

The second bit of this sentence is worded a bit oddly. I'm not too sure how you can fix it per see, but maybe removing it could work? Or maybe saying that her eyes were glued to the screen could help?

> She didn't spare him so much as a glance, even as he continued to stand there, waiting for who-knew-what.

A small tense thing here but I believe you want "who-knows-what" here.

> Katherine picked up her cup and took a sip of her latte. She set it down with a loud CLINK and went back to typing, not sparing him another glance.

With a story so short I felt like this line was a bit too wordy for what's actually happening. She just takes a sip and continues to ignore him. So I think just saying that in fewer words could help.

One final thing, what is she reporting on? What is this bombshell that's got her so worked up? I liked the twist that you had with the twenty followers but I think more could help. Pick something dumb like a vegetable conspiracy and really finish off that twist.

I hope this helps.

Good Words!


katpoker666 t1_jccd5e1 wrote

Hey Gaborrero—this was fun!

The title seemed a little off to me. I think you were referring to the idea we were thinking she was a big reporter? If so, I might have brought her status out a tiny bit more at the beginning. I wasn’t sure she was a journalist except for the theme, as everyone pretty much posts and has done for a while.

This ending line was great—perfect payoff: >>But this bombshell wasn't going to write itself, and her twenty followers relied on her to give them an unbiased perspective on cutting-edge news!

While I’m curious about what the bombshell was, I think it works without telling us. So disagree with Fye a little there, despite all of his other great points

But overall, really cool take :)