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galdu t1_jc3eehd wrote

Initial Public Offering

It was night on the street when Sam arrived. Allen let her in through a side entrance and took her up in the freight elevator. In the conference room she caught the sunset — the last slice of light in Manhattan — before Allen’s sharks went to work. “Sign here,” they would say, “And here.” They kept coming for more and more: arbitration, nondisclosure, even something called her 'life rights.'

But as each suit got their fill, they departed. In the early morning, only Allen remained.


"What’s this part?” asked Sam.

“Business agreement. For all intensive purposes, Bradley Media Group gets ninety percent of everything. Want to be a household name? That's the price.”

Sam weighed the pen in her hand. It was heavy, real gold heavy. She noticed its avian shape.

“It’s a goose,” said Allen, smiling. His teeth were too white.

“Is…” The pen flapped in Sam’s fingers. “Is ninety fair?”

“Ninety percent is standard. There's a lot of risk for us. And of course we’ll be working to keep you relevant,” he paused, “Irregardless, if you feel like you need an attorney—“

“You’re…not my attorney?”

“I’m with BMG. Again, if—“ He stopped as Sam signed and smacked the pen on the table.

“Okay!” He cheered. “Let’s see, you’ve signed…” He scanned the table. “So that just leaves… Here.” He slid a stack in front of Sam and picked up the business agreement. "Last one’s the waiver of liability—means you can’t sue us for emotional distress, physical harm, whatever.”

Sam leafed through it. It was scarier than the others, with bold text all over reading: The Event.

“What’s this about the ‘Event’?” she said. “I’ll be so embarrassed that I’ll - what - die?”

“Sam…” Allen sat down. “We picked you. We believe in you. But the Event - whatever it is - has to put you in the news for a week, and not just our news. It’s going to tarnish you—put you in a hole.” He placed his fingers on Sam’s hand. “We’ll pull you out, make you a star. But you can’t wash it off. Everyone will always feel like they’re above you, even while they worship at your Instagram feed. It’s gonna hurt."

Sam shook off his hand. She looked past him, out over the Hudson. New Jersey was still dark but the heavens were turning blue. She thought of all the faces she wished she’d never seen.

“My whole life has hurt,” she said, meeting Allen’s eyes.

Sam breathed. “Okay.” She poised herself to wring the goose’s neck across the dotted line.

She stopped.


“Excuse me?”

“I want half: fifty percent”

Allen shot up. “You signed that part already!” He said, shaking the proof at her.

“Tear it up. I want half.” Sam twirled the pen at Allen. “Golden eggs, right?"

Allen grinned. “Sun’s almost up. Leave the way you came in.” He held up the business agreement and - ffft - tore it in two. “Come back tonight and we’ll negotiate.”


WC: 500


FyeNite t1_jc4bn9h wrote

Hey galdu!

Well heck! Now I want to know what happens next. Does she cave? Does she get her way? And whether that happens or not, what is this 'Event'?

As you can see, you did a wonderful job hooking me into the story here. Building up this character as she signs away what seems to be her life. And I like how we don't get much backstory here either. All we get is the implication that she's an up-and-coming star. That she'll be something big very soon.

I think you also did a good job with Allen. He's smooth and friendly. He's still working for a company that wants to take advantage of her, but he's still very amicable about it. I hope that makes sense.

I do have a few bits and bobs for you though,

> But as each suit got their fill, they departed. In the early morning, only Allen remained.

This bit read a bit awkwardly to me. Maybe switching "But" with "After" could help? Not sure.

> For all intensive purposes, Bradley Media Group gets ninety percent of everything.

So I've always heard the phrase as '"For all intents and purposes.' Not how you have it here. Is this a mistake or a deliberate change?

> Sam breathed. “Okay.” She poised herself to wring the goose’s neck across the dotted line.

So I'm not sure why she refused to sign. She signed the ninety percent form already, so why stop here? Just didn't make too much sense to me. Did she see something? Maybe changing it up a a bit could help?

I hope this helps.

Good Words!


galdu t1_jc4n7q8 wrote

Thanks for the feedback Fye!

Interesting to see that Allen came off as he did to you. I deleted a sentence of his from the paragraph where he talks about the event. Originally, he said "Sex tapes just don't cut it any more." But it didn't sit right that he would say that while he reached out and touched her hand. Seemed just overtly predatory.

And "intensive purposes" was deliberate. I threw in "irregardless" as well. But I think that's less egregious so it may not have been enough of a tell.

I think if I started from scratch I'd describe the contract side of it a bit differently. But all of these parts she's going through make up one contract. So she held out on the final piece after deciding she wanted more money. (Allen is a bad attorney for formatting the contract like this)

Thanks again. Always look forward to your comments.