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FyeNite t1_jc3u7hw wrote

Hey Xack!

Oh my god, this, this is amazing. So so hilarious in the worst way possible. Can't believe you've done this, haha.

I really liked how you went about answering each question, giving genuine thought to the responses to the point where it became scarily accurate. And all while funnelling it through this smug old dude, haha. I loved the names you gave the reporters and their news companies too!

I do just have a few bits and bobs for you though,

> His dark suit, dark eyes, and dark hair seasoned with just a touch of it's actual gray was arranged by professionals to make him look every inch like a competent politician.

So this sentence felt a bit awkward to me. It almost reads like there was a touch of grey in his suit and eyes. And I imagine that's not what you were going for. And maybe some shortening could help too.

Also, I think you want "...touch of its actual gray..." here.

> He flashed his smile for the cameras, raised his hand in a stoic, yet friendly wave, "Any questions?"

One thing here, I think you could swap that middle comma with an "and". There are only two actions here, so no need for a comma.

>Due to the the Each Vote Matters bill that passed last year,

An extra "the" here. No biggie.

> "Sorry. That is all the time I have for today. It's just passed sundown and I have to fly to Hawaii for a senatorial ethics committee and wine tasting. Thank you all, goodnight!"

Finally, I feel like bringing the ending back to the announcement a bit more would help here. I get that you were going for the irony of a literal corrupt politician going to an ethics committee, and then the wine-tasting later too. But I think if you reworded it to something like "for a senatorial ethics committee which is actually just a wine tasting gathering..." it could work better. Go back to that 'I'm still corrupt but I'm going to be honest with you about it.' But that's just a suggestion.

I hope this helps.

Good Words!