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FyeNite t1_jc425pt wrote

Hey Astro!

Ooh, you did a great job of painting a truly disturbing scene in that basement. and teasing it too with the woman's face. I really liked how you showed Dr. Tyler to be such a normal and friendly person too! All the way up to when he realised what she knew.

I do just have a few bits and bobs for you though,

> Mary sat on the park bench as the sun set behind her eating a bag of seasoned oyster crackers.

I think just a comma after "behind her" could help here.

> Their neck was covered in slash marks.

We know it's a woman now, so being a bit more specific with the pronouns would help make this character a little more personal to the reader. So the injuries impact us more.

> One week later, Dr. Tyler locked the office door behind him as he left none the wiser. Mary hid in the bushes nearby.

I think just some reordering could help here. Establish that Mary is hiding before you mention that Dr. Tyler is locking up. That way, the "none the wiser" makes sense as we know what he isn't wise to.

> At the bottom of staircase was a laboratory with a table in the middle of the room.

Just missing a "the" before "staircase" here.

> He left the unfortunate results of his experiments.

I just wanted to see this final line connect a bit more with the lines before. So a connective could help maybe. Or "he disappeared, leaving the unfortunate results of his experiments."

One final thing, why didn't the woman go to the police? Why go to a reporter? Did the Doctor threaten her or pay her off? Was something else going on? Why would he leave her alive after he experimented on her? It's clear that he's killed before. Just a bit more detail could help here I think.

I hope this helps.

Good Words!


AstroRide t1_jc85ynt wrote

Thank you for the critique. I've made the changes to improve the phrasing and flow of the piece. Glad you enjoyed it.