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Defiant-Row-5153 t1_iuca2ef wrote

There were four of them. All very colorful individuals. Standing in the rain.

One was a dark haired woman in spartan battle armour, spear and shield slung on her back

Another a dark skinned man with thick arms dressed in atire fit for a samurai, a pair of blades at his side

Yet another was a light skinned redhead woman wearing a ww2 russian comander uniform, ppsh slung on her hip

And finally a short slender man of seemingly mexican decent with a full dark beard wearing what seemed to be a Conquistador outfit. Musket, saber and all.

I stared at them and absentmindedly attempted to prosess this gaggle of nimrods just spouted at me.

"... aight ill bite. Tell me what the meal we had on the first date was, why your four paople now, and what fucking cosplay store you robbed to get your outfits."

The spartan spoke up

"It was a long time ago how am i supposed to remember that?"

The concistodor

" it was spagehti. I remember becouse it was what snuggums had as well."

The comander

" as for the second part long story short it has been a stressful 8 hours."

The samurai "You know damn well im the demigod of war fasion. I know you still laugh at it behind my back. Even though you complement me every day no matter what im wearing."

The comander again " the nazi uniform was... unfortunate."

The spartan "Dumbass we said we werent beinging that shit up again!"

I spoke up realising were this was going "Aight aight! i beleive you! Just. Come inside before you catch a cold."

The samurai

"We could still be theives you know."

"Then you deserve it after this show." I said

"Now then...

What the fuck happened?"


FahboyMan OP t1_iudpvp8 wrote

hm, yes, what the fuck happened? I really wanted to know about those 4.