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SpectreCactus t1_itdwkjk wrote

"I have grown hungry in my years of hibernation, Sollus." I said, scratching my neck. "Do you know what I do when I'm hungry?"

"... You're sick."

"Answer the fucking question, Sollus." I demanded, still scratching, as the pale white skin I scratched turned red.

"...I don't know."

"I eat." Then, parts of the skin on my neck started peeling.


"What the fuck?!" Sollus yelled, grasping his sword.


I smiled cruelly, laughing.


"Oh~ that scratch hits the spot." I taunted, leaning forward.


I stood and walked towards Sollus, who fumbled with his sword.


I walked past him and put my arm down.

"I have satisfied my itch. I will feed, Sollus!" I screeched, then I jumped off the tower.

Then, a green light burst from where I fell. Sollus started to levitate towards the light.

As Sollus looked around, he noticed other people levitating towards him.

He realized my plan too late.