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setfaceblastertostun t1_iqpsegp wrote

When one measures one's life in millenia, boredom becomes an ever present companion thought Faveous as he sat through his thousandth classical recital. The musicians were good, some of the best he had heard in at least five centuries but he remembered when this tune was composed by a group of bards who had used it to rally the people against an evil despot. They had not played nearly as well as these fine court musicians but the heart in their music was ever so much more moving.

It had been a shame to have to execute them but the people had not been inspired enough to really fight and overthrow their "evil despot." They knew of the terrible things done but it hadn't directly impacted them. Having each of the bards brutally tortured to death over the course of days had brought a lot of inspiration to the people. They had managed to come together and overthrow him. The Republic of Lystana was founded and embraced their bardic inspiration by founding a college of music.

Faveous chuckled softly at the thought that ripping entrails slowly out of a bard is what led to him almost enjoying this recital...but if only it had the passion of those bards that he had executed.

"Finding something funny, m'liege?" said a voice softly from his left. Faveous looked over at his current queen, Alanna. Beautiful, well connected, and young, she had caught his eye while he was still married to the previous queen. Though Alanna expected to rise high, the stellar rise to Queen had left her unsure of herself and so she still lacked the confidence to even call him by his name despite him being quite the easy going benevolent king this time around.

"Just remembering the last I had heard this song. It was a lovely performance." He smiled with his most winning smile, channeling a small amount of power through his emerald on his pinkie to make his smile somewhat more appealing. They had only been wed for a fortnight and his charm had yet to enthrall her completely yet.

"Ah yes! It was played at your coronation with the queen when you went from King consort to King. I am glad you can look happily on your memories of the queen, m'liege." Faveous did not recall this song being played at the coronation but he had been quite occupied with making sure everything went correctly so maybe that wasn't too surprising he thought. Surprisingly, Alanna really sounded like she meant that she was happy he could remember the previous queen happily.

"Yes, her wasting disease took her from me but I won't let it take my memories of her," he commented while watching her for the slightest jealousy. He usually found women to be very territorial and even death didn't stop it but he saw no jealousy in her. Surprises were so rare in his immortal life that Faveous did decide to cherish this one for a while as he turned back to the music.

Slowly the music began to die down as the song came to a finish. Faveous was wrapped in his thoughts of past times as foreign dignitaries were introduced. Their introductions didn't even register as he just nodded and wished them well.

The skree sound of a sword being drawn brought him back into the present and he noticed the dignitaries from Lystana in front of him. His eyes locked to the man who had drawn his sword and shock rippled through him. It was the leader of the rebellion against him. The man who had brought those bards together to make that song against him. A man he had tortured almost to death multiple times only to heal and then let him go.

"Trimbal! Time might have changed you but I recognize you. I shall chop off your head as I did when I threw you down in Lystana." Words shocked Faveous as he looked nothing as he did when in Lystana. Magic had long since changed his appearance and even the strongest of magics would not be able to detect those changes any longer. Faveous felt a thrill that he hadn't felt in over a hundred years. He was not bored any longer.

His guards had not been slacking and they stood with their swords drawn already around the armed man. More surprising though was that Alanna had placed herself between the swordsman and him, "You mistake our good king, sir. He has raised this kingdom up and supported us in the hardest of times. You bare steel in his presence so you deserve death but he will probably forgive you for it."

A perfect set up for what I wanted thought Faveous. "Yes, indeed. Queen Alanna is quite correct in this. Sir, put up your sword I would not have your blood spilled at this fete. You have mistaken me for someone else for I am King Faveous, I do not know this Trimbal that you seek. Guards step back from him, allow him to sheathe his sword. Only attack if he advances."

"Trimbal, you lie. I know you do. I can smell the stink of your years on you. I am Solvarion but I need not tell you. I saw the recognition in your eyes when I drew on you but I do not want to harm others either," with that Solvarion sheathed his sword and at a gesture from Faveous the guards parted to let him depart. The other delegates from Lystana left with him fearfully casting glances over their shoulder as they probably wondered what Solvarian had got them into.

Alanna turned to him with fire in her eyes, "My king, you can not allow that man to disrespect you like that." Faveous just smiled at her as he felt the exhilaration of boredom leaving him as the mysteries of Solvarion played in his mind. Sol had managed to keep Faveous from boredom two centuries ago and it looked like he might do it again. Everything just seemed more interesting now.