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AutoModerator t1_iu0t10d wrote

Welcome to the Prompt! All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments.


>* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See Reality Fiction and Simple Prompts for stricter titles >* Be civil in any feedback and follow the rules

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Yakassa t1_iu1vu2w wrote

"this is a completely ridiculous test" Sara's frustration was obvious as she had her interview with the Consulate of the Pacific States.

The Ai, a image of a young man designed to invoke familiarity as well as authority in her, dressed in a suit answered "Sara, Calm down, these questions are an important part of your evaluation."

The problem was that the AI worked with incomplete information, it guessed Sara's personality based on what is available to it. Which thanks to the Sanctions and the brooding cold war is basically only what she provided in her application form.

"I dont know the difference. Ok lets say A." she chose the first picture and it got highlighted.

"Sara, i think you are guessing. Ok lets come back to this question later." It paused and took a deep breath. Sara just rolled her eyes at the sight. "What are the dangers of AI, like me becoming involved in executive decision making processes."

Sara got up and wave towards the screen annoyed and frustrated she barked "Are you kidding me with these questions?" she gestured wildly with her arms, "If i say, 'oh i hate it'" turning her head away from the screen looking around in the empty room and shouting "I said, IF. Not that i mean it, its a hypothetical! These Terrans..." she returned to stare at the screen with the ai made to appear to listen "guess what? Best case, i lose my citizenship and i cant return, worst case, i go to jail." She sat down again, trying to compose herself "If i say 'Oh you are dummies for not living like we do' let me guess, my application will be rejected. Thirdly. An AI is making a decision about me right now, you are, the audacity to even include such a question"

"Sara, there currently exists Diplomatic privacy between us, your government is not listening. Please answer the question" It responded calmly, smiling.

Sara waited for a second or two. "Ok, yes, its a danger. People are People and while we are not perfect we can at least try to be better to each other" she said and stopped.

"Thank you Sara." it paused and its face changed in an almost apologetic shape: "I am sorry to tell you that in regards to your Evaluation of Humanity, you have not passed the basic requirements."

Sara just gave the bird to the screen and shouted "Oh fuck off, you racist assholes, i am human. My grandmother was born on Earth!"

She switched off the connection with the AI. Officially ending the interview. She called Pedro.

It rang almost a minute until he picked up. "Sorry babe was in the metro, got off now. You got it?" he said. Followed by a beep

She sighed out, "Pedro, i have been rejected. Again this is the third time. I cant apply anymore. I cant come, i am sorry."after a short pause she released the transmit button.

A few seconds later Pedro responded "My love, i dont know what to do now? I cant come to Luna. I just cant, your government says that i am 'Antisocial' for being a knucklehead 12 years ago trolling lunans online, i was a freaking child. I just cant come." beep

"Well, and yours says that im not human enough, or not anymore. So i cant come." she released the button to send, in the meanwhile she looked up transit visa rules, they may be able to meet on mars. Their last option as getting a Visa for Mars was considerably easier for both of them as they remained rather neutral to the Terran Lunan cold war. They could maybe take the same vessel. Spend months together, it was a nice dream but neither of them could afford it. In that moment she received his answer, switching back to the conversation.

"You know, we are not all wrong. I mean you are 'genotically' speaking not really human anymore, you people like added stuff that made you able to live there better. I mean i can understand the laws, we should not let like everyone in. We need to make sure the right people can come, thats why they ask you people these questions to check if you are still human enough" He paused..."i mean the questions are stupid, yeah and should be reworked, but the concept is ok" beep

Sara put her hand to her face "Pedro, your earth governments are a corrupt hellhole, all of em, a complete scam. You work your ass off 12 hours a day and you barely have enough money to eat food. So please just shut up with your weird antics, not today please. Not in the mood for it. I think mars is the only option now. We gotta do it" she released the button.

"Sara, Mars? Are you kidding me? I cant afford that and you cant afford that either. Not with me being a slave to my Oligarch right? Ooh look at me so enslaved. Come on, at least when you come here that damn computer hitler of yours wont be looking over our shoulders the ...."

Connection Terminated

Appeared on the Screen. Pedros contact information have been deleted. A Priority call hogged the Screen now, her only option available was to pick it up.

A man in his late 40s with a disheveled looking gray uniform and field cap was on the screen. "Apollo City Security force officer Cassra here, Mrs. Parks, Selene has disconnected you with some terran just now and asked me to tell you that Pedro Smith from the Las Vegas in the Pacific States of America has been declared a Persona Non Grata. What was your relationship to him?"

Sara looked at the screen, "You know what my relationship to Pedro was".

Cassra sighed. "No, Mrs Parks. Contrary to popular believe we dont have access to this. But from your response i presume Boyfriend?"

Sara laughed "You know, i think not anymore. He really is just an intolerant piece of work. I see it now. Completely deluded with Terran Propaganda. We should just get it over with and nuke em all."

Cassra started chuckling "yoyoyo hold your horses MacArthur. We are not nuking your Ex Boyfriend" he started laughing. Sara also started to crack and snicker to herself. "Mrs Parks, i think we are good, have a nice evening." he hung up unlocking the terminal.

Sara kept chuckling to herself for a few seconds, the chuckles then slowly turned into cries and tears started to pool in her eyes. She shook her head rapidly, letting tears fly through her small apartment and dried her eyes with her sleeve. She tried to look for a Picture of Pedro. She wanted to look at him. Her idiotically and still somewhat racist now forced to be ex-boyfriend. She couldnt find any. All have been deleted. All chat records, gone. Its like he didnt exist. Even the search through the heavily redacted and restricted Net came up empty. On Luna, Pedro didnt exist anymore.

She turned off her terminal. She wondered how his weird tirade would have ended if it where not disconnected. She was mad at him for believing such nonsense. She wanted to show him that it was all lies and that they where better and the Terrans should learn and adopt their ways. Politics where always an issue between the two. So they avoided it whenever possible.

She mumbled to herself "23 Months and 3 days. And i have never even met the guy, and wont ever. All because those Animals think im an Alien." staring at the ceiling 230 Meters under the Lunar surface in Mare Tranquillitatis.


RafeHaab OP t1_iu47ieo wrote

So expressing my opinion on a detail I would have liked in his story was somehow interpreted by a bunch of first-worlders as a demand and that's MY fault for some reason.

Way to go, guys. You just outed yourselves.


RafeHaab OP t1_iu4i0qn wrote

You gave me what YOU WANTED, and that's ok. But from there to say it was what I NEED there's a huge jump, a jump that demonstrates that the jumper cannot distinguish his own mind from reality.

Plus you are making such a big deal of a one-line comment that was basically me just wanting more because I loved your writing... and getting offended by it.

Imagine a writer getting so offended because he's so good at it that people want him to continue writing that instead of saying "sorry, no", he goes on a tirade that basically says "I already gave you my mental energy, F.O."

Go away now. Block me if that's what you need to "feel safe", because you don't sound like someone who should be out here on the scary internet where people gasp sometimes like whaqt you wrote so much that they want more; THE GALL those people have! Demanding your "mental energy" to add five more words to a text you willingly wrote!


ph30nix01 t1_iu4kdos wrote

I apologize it wasn't meant as an insult or anything like that. It's more I wanted you to THINK (just think) of the smallest impact of a situation possible.

Also I don't know you enough to give you exactly what you need but I felt you needed a bread crumb so I gave you the only one I had at the time.

Look at it as I looked over your shoulder while you were putting together a puzzle and you were short pieces so I gave you one I found and while it wasn't your piece it fit so you could easily add other pieces that were yours.

Please hold onto it until you find someone else that needs it cause you will then have need of it.


PandaPugBook t1_iu4ko1m wrote

Calm down, that's not even the writer you're talking to. You're making a huge deal out of this. People on this subreddit have a tendency to assume that by writing a prompt, they are owed the story they expect. It seemed like you were criticizing the story for not being closer to the prompt (which you would have no right to do) and that's why people are mad at you.


RafeHaab OP t1_iu4prlp wrote

My little "request" was very clear: I would have liked to know what kind of dog the alien woman inthe story couldn't tell apart from a wolf.

A story where the dog in question is a GSD is very different from a story where it's a chihuahua.


LobsterClaws2 t1_iu564id wrote

No one outed anything, good grief. You are being incredibly dramatic. While I agree that fulfilling the prompt to the letter may have been nice this was still a lovely piece of writing. You gave your opinion and other people are entitled to give theirs. That's part of being on the internet!