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Crystal1501 t1_iuj2iq7 wrote

"Ready?" I ask shakily.

Flora take a deep breath. "Yes. Urrick..." Urrick nods and removes her bracelet. He gives her a kiss.

"Be careful, love." Urrick looks at me. "You too, Scott." Lucifer summons a portal, and Flora and I enter.

We were told which houses we need. I go to the one Vulca is in. Flora enters Zorl's, Vulca's brother's, home.

"Oh, this is certainly unexpected" Vulca remarks, eyeing me. I maintain my cool. "You have some nerve, you know... after what you did..."

I get to my knees. This is humiliating... but... it's for Allie... "Forgive me, my lady, but I had to try... that choker..." I look up with hopeful eyes. "I... I found it, and... well, I'm interested in strange objects like that... if I had known what it was, I'd have already been wearing it!"

Vulca stares at me, blinks, then laughs. "So THAT'S why you tried to take it from that girl!" she walks over. "You can still be mine... if you want..." the way she whispered that was supposed to be erotic, but I just found it creepy. Still, if I can keep this up...

"I need proof..."

"Proof?" Vulca is kneeling right next to me. I'm like an insect to her.

"Proof I'm not just an object to you, that you care. One night of passion."

Vulca grins as she pulls my head in for a kiss. As grossed out as I am, I need to keep this up. As her tongue enters my mouth, I reluctantly put mine in hers. After a few moments, our lips part, and she seems flushed. I have her now! "Come to the bedroom" she says softly. I follow her lead, hoping I can distract her for just a little longer...


Zorl has my shell dressed in a demoness outfit again. I'm not even trying to fight anymore; thanks to this DAMN CHOKER, I'm at the full mercy of him and Vulca. He has me on the couch, my shell making out with him. Suddenly, there's a knock on the front door. "Who could THAT be?" Zorl grunts, annoyed. My shell doesn't move as he gets up and answers the door. Suddenly, another demon appears to be standing there... a demoness... but why does she look a little different?

"Hello, Zorl" she chimes cheerily. "I heard you've been having fun with a 'human' female?"

Zorl seems taken aback. "How did you-" the demoness puts a finger to his lips, moving the finger down slowly.

"Darling, I know everything" she remarks, sounding flirty. "To tell the truth, I've had my eye on you for a while. Wouldn't you prefer one of your own kind?" She puts her face right up against his.

Zorl steps back. "I... um..."

"Come on, handsome, spend the night with me!" Putting an arm around him, and with him caught completely off-guard, she leads him to the bedroom... but not before I realised something:

That was Flora.

Shortly after, an angel enters. My shell is about to cry out about an intruder, but before I knew it, a soft, gentle, protective glow was surrounding me. I realise I have control of myself again... I... I can move! "Come" the angel whispers. I follow, out of choice! I forgot what this feels like already, to choose what to do!

As we're leaving I hear shouts. "YOU'RE NOT A DEMON!"



Flora rushes out the room. She's no longer wearing the costume, now in human clothes. Zorl exits behind me as we make a dash for it. "ALLIE! STOP BREATHING!"

I turn around, smirk, stick out my tongue, take a deep, LOUD breath, and leave. Flora shuts the door after us, holding it shut and attempting to stop Zorl from getting out.


"ALLIE! YOU'RE OK!" I'm crying tears of joy as I give her a HUGE hug. Lucifer steps forward.

"Allie, I cannot apologise enough for what happened to you... it's time this thing comes off." The angel stops using his powers, and Allie's eyes are blank again, as Lucifer prepares to remove it.

"Allow me, boss, please." We turn to watch as Scott and Vulca arrive. Scott appears exhausted, and Vulca seems satisfied.

"YOU???" Tasha angrily exclaims. Aaron readies his sword.

"Calm down, everyone" Scott calls. Everyone looks at each other puzzled. "Please, let me explain..."


Vulca practically dragged us two onto the bed. I look around at her room and realise it's full of strange artefacts. "Do you like my collection?" Vulca asks.

I turn my attention to her. "I... I'm always interested in charms and cursed items... I don't know why, I'm just... always drawn to them..."

Vulca smiles sincerely. While she's vulnerable, I take a chance. "So... why did you wish to claim Allie, especially with something like a choker?"

Vulca shifts herself so she's sitting up. "I had a suspicion this was about her" she responds. "I just took the bait because I was curious... how willing are you to swap places?"

I look at her puzzled. "What?"

"Well, first I'll answer your question. I've always wanted, what we demons call, a 'real-life mannequin'. Someone who'll do what I ask, when I ask, without question. Guess how many humans are willing?" Vulca looks at me with saddened eyes.

A realisation hits me. "A bracelet isn't powerful enough, but a choker is basically what will make your wish come true." She nods slowly.

"I only had Zorl in on this because he's a blabbermouth. I... I hated that I had to let him use her like that, but..." she sighs. "Doesn't excuse what I did, does it?"

I look away and give myself a moment to think. I look back, blushing. "For what it's worth... you're a great kisser. I'll think about it, but could you just let Allie go? Please?"

"She's right outside, isn't she?" Vulca smirks at me. "I could sense the moment an angel took control from me. Let's go."


Crystal1501 t1_iuj3pp3 wrote


During Scott's explanation, Vulca removed the choker off of Allie and even destroyed it! Allie looks at Scott desperately. "NO! Don't stay with her! Do you know what she did? I...

I had to massage her! I was a footrest! SHE MADE ME DANCE WHILE WEARING A HELLHOUND COSTUME!"

Scott glances at Vulca. "Really? That's the worst you got?"

Vulca shrugs. "I was never going to harm her physically."

Scott looks back at Allie, responding to both of them. "Then I got no problems."

Allie gasps as Zack slaps her back. "Come on, everyone knows Scott's a bit of a weirdo! He was gonna take a cursed item from Walzer, remember? And who can forget his obsessions with ghosts and exorcism and stuff?"

Allie nods. "That's true..."

Vulca gives Allie a hug. "I'm sorry for making you do those things... I just didn't think any option was open apart from a choker, and..."

"...And I was an easy target" Allie finishes. Allie's steel seems to resolve. "Right. I need to stop being so weak and fragile."

"Guys" I call out. "I... I can't ho-" the door holding Zorl bursts open, sending me flying back. Urrick catches me and puts the bracelet back on my arm.

Zorl looks around and spots Allie. Aaron gets in front of her, sword out. "I'll destroy you! Don't come any closer!"

Zorl growls and looks at Vulca. "WHY DID YOU LET HER GO? SHE WAS OURS!"

Vulca shakes her head. "I wanted a real-life mannequin, you know that. I got carried away. You want a toy, a plaything, but you don't want to do it correctly."

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" Zorl yells. Lucifer steps forwards.

"It means you want to take a human by force. Fair enough. But you don't want to make claims or wait. Really, if someone told me this whole charade was your idea, I wouldn't be surprised. Didn't you just get released from heaven after being arrested for kidnapping a baby?"

"A BABY????????" We all turn. That was Tasha. She can get sensitive about things like this.

Zorl scoffs. "What's the problem?" he retorts.

Tasha goes into an absolute FURY! She charges at Zorl, doing her best to beat him up.

Zack rolls his eyes. "Aaron, finish Zorl off before Tasha hurts herself." Aaron glances at Lucifer, who nods, then slashes at Zorl, who didn't see it coming due to being distracted.

At once, Zorl lets out a roar, turns to dust, and disappears.

Everyone is silent for several moments, before Zack clears his throat. "Well... that was unexpected..."

"My business here isn't concluded" the angel states. He calmly and gently walks his way over to Vulca. "God told me that once Allie was safe, I was to have you and your brother either arrested or destroyed." He holds out an arm.

Scott looks between him and Vulca. "Wait, so... Vulca, you're going?"

"Seems like it" Vulca sighs. She looks at the angel and nods. He clears his throat.

"Vulca... for illegal possession of a choker, use of a choker, and stripping a human of free-will, you are to be held imprisoned in heaven." Vulca reaches out a hand to take his. Silence.

^("Never gonna give you up...") everyone looks to see where the voice is coming from.

^("Never gonna let you do)wn..." the voice is picking up. Everyone figures out where it's coming from.

"Never gonna run around... and desert you..." Scott seems to be saying this for Vulca.

"Never gonna make you cry... never gonna say goodbye..." as everyone stands dumbstruck, Scott takes the hand Vulca is holding out for the angel. "Never... gonna tell a lie and... hurt you..."

He grabs her other hand. Silence again. Then, Aaron bursts into laughter.

"Did... did you just say part of that rickroll song? Not even SING it, but speak it?"

Scott looks at him and smiles. "Yes, I did. I was creeped out at first when I was distracting Vulca..." he looks at her. "But... she's not bad. Just distracted easily." He looks at Allie. "Allie, do you forgive her?"

Allie lowers her head for a moment as she thinks. Then she looks up, a fierce, strong, fiery determination in her expression. She walks up, stopping in front of the angel but looking at Scott and Vulca. "No, I don't forgive her..." she turns to the angel with a soft smile. "But I already made the mistake of not trusting a demon once. I don't want to make that mistake again. If Scott really thinks Vulca deserves another chance... then let's give it to her."


This story is a part of my series, To Love a Demon. Please check it out!