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ImpressiveVideo3823 t1_iu8oj06 wrote

I hear screams all around me. I had been spaced out a moment before, even though I wasn't supposed to on guard duty, but now my features were alight with panic. How can I run from something that can fly, breathe fire, and eat you with one gulp? Is it here for the treasure? Will it leave us alone? All of these thoughts are hammering through my mind. Half of myself wants to book it, and the other half wants to hide, or better yet break down and cry. This resulted in me being frozen, physically shaking with fear. Then the dragon picked up the cart behind me, tore it away from the rest of the train, looked into it and tossed it with disinterest. How was it that close already!? A second ago it looked to be several hundred yards away!

I make up my mind, and shoot at it. It has little to no effect. Most of my shots are misses, as I'm still shaking, but the ones I do hit don't do anything. I try to think about what we've learned about dragon weaknesses, but it's a lot harder to act in the actual situation, I discover. All I can remember is someone in the class interrupting and saying that dragons have no weaknesses. "Well that can't be true!" past me thought, but to see one in the present made me think that classmate may have not been to far off.

Finally, I collect myself to a degree and run to the next cart. The dragon quickly dispatches another cart. And another. More yet. It soon begins to get annoyed by the little metal bits being shot at it, and grows more violent, instead actively seeking out people to eat them, claw at them, shoot them with plumes of fire. It moves with terrifying efficiency, and I know I won't be able to keep out of it's grasp for long. I'm getting out of breath now...The only thing I can do is jump off the train, but it's still moving, though more slowly, and it stops whenever the dragon tugs on it to get another cart.

I know the best option is to just jump off, but once again, I find myself frozen in the cold grasp of fear. I think I would have died there if it wasn't for a sudden lurch in the train that resulted in me being flung out of the cart I was in. The dragon opens the roof of another car. This time when the dragon picks up the car, it appears happy. That's the gold truck. It tears the car away, separating it from the rest of the train. We've failed to protect it, the train has been destroyed, and most of the people on the train have died.

I didn't do anything to stop it! Fresh tears leak from my eyes as I'm forced to acknowledge the burning wreckage before me.



Dang no matter how hard I try the end of my stories are always just depressing as hell. Also sorry I forgot to add the DRAGONS part because I thought it said dragon singular.