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IrishWhitey t1_itt4zw7 wrote

Being a guild scout, you see a lot. I’ve seen villages victim of pestilence, sorcery, and more atrocities than most can fathom. It’s not the most glorified role, but without the scouts evil would be left to fester untouched.

Few folk actually know what guild scouts do. We gather the information that guild masters and dispatchers use to inform heroes where they are needed. Heroes are the brawn, and we are the brains. But I doubt any hero would admit that they wouldn’t know how to help if the objective wasn’t handed to them.

In the scouting world we have a tier system for the danger levels of the locations we visit. It scales from thriving to infested. The location I’ve been ordered to explore is thought to be infested. A scary thought.

As I approached the outskirts of where this Empty Forest was supposed to be, I started feeling darkness. It was nearly overwhelming and progressively got worse until I reached the boundary between The Empty Forest and The Trail to Nowhere. I stood at the threshold of the forest, frozen in fear. And then I took a step.

“You aren’t supposed to be here” a disembodied voice boomed. “This wasn’t supposed to be explored yet, how did you find out about it?”

I was speechless. What was this place. How did I get here. Suddenly the pieces of the puzzle scattered. “I… I don’t know. Who are you? Who am I?”

An elderly figure appeared from the abyss. “You have broken what is, was, and shall be. You are displaced in time and you mind and body are scattering. I shall return you to your land. This will become a place of great darkness. Should anyone ask about anything beyond the road to nowhere you are to lead them away.

He snapped and the world went dark.

“Lyriss! Are you ok? Wake up!” The guild master was standing over me. “Thank god you’re back, with all that twitching we thought you were a goner. You don’t need to travel past the road to nowhere, I didn’t realize it would evoke such a visceral reaction.”

And then I was back in the Empty Forest.

“Lyriss, these are my last words, you are more than a scout. Time will come for you to conquer the darkness of this land. But right now you need to prepare.”

And I was back in the guild. Something was different, I don’t know why but I felt the desire to be a hero.


Paxblaidd OP t1_ittlbml wrote

thank you for responding to my prompt! I liked your story.