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georgelikesbackpacks t1_ity91xj wrote

bzzzz the phone rings for the third call since she got up.

bzzzz, ohh a text. She must be popular. I shouldn't look but this girl is great. She must have other guys chasing her too. At least I'm in the running.

"the portal is closing. this is it."

It must be one of her friends messing around. What a weird thing to text and call so many times about. Maybe it's some secret code. Women do that with their girlfriends when they're on dates. But we've been on quite a few.

"Did you miss me while I was gone?"

I must have been zoning out. She's back so quick.

"Yes, of course"

She smiles, and glances at her phone. Her smile fades as she pauses.

"Everything okay? You got quite a few calls there."

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine."

"Okay you sure?"

"Yeah" she says, picking up her fork and idly twirling her pasta. No intention to eat it.

"I have to ask you something Alex..." "I need to know if you see this going anywhere. If you see us together in 20 years. I just don't want to waste my time."

"Well that's a..." I can see the pain on her face and I like to please.

"Yes, Cathy. I can. I mean it's still early but I..."

bzzzz that annoying phone is ringing again. She looks at me, smiles, and silences her phone.

"Who's calling?"

"Ohh don't worry about that. That's just my friend messing around" she says as she grabs my hand.