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seganku t1_iug5vw5 wrote

"The resulting formula for egg volume, V, was V = (0.6057 - 0.0018B)LB2 in which L is the egg length in millimeters, and B is the egg maximum breadth in millimeters.",B%20are%20taken%20in%20millimeters.


aldhibain t1_iug7w4j wrote

Thanks for the formula. It's for chickens, but works well for an estimate. Using that formula, we get 7012.429 mm^(3), or 7cm^(3) for an American Robin egg, still nowhere close to 49.

European Robins lay smaller (non-blue) eggs, 2cm long and 1.5cm wide with a volume of ~2.6cm^(3). That would be about USD2.7k worth of gold.