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Wdrussell1 t1_iuh20oz wrote

He takes a long drink of it, stops after a second or two and gives a small. "Hmm..." Then goes back to drinking. Before anyone can breath he has taken the whole thing down and sets the empty cup on the counter. "Hmm.." he murmurs again. "Now how the hell did you get this idea from an elote stand." He says and smiles deeply. "Charles, when you told me this girl was quite curious I thought you were pulling my tail." You hear him say as your still processing everything. "Wait, you were watching me today? I have been dreading the last 24 hours and you saw everything..." You say somewhat emotionless and slightly angered. He somehow manages to smile even wider and laughs very haughtily tapping the counter slightly. "My my Jessica, you can't have thought you give this kind of ultimatum to the Lord of the Underworld and not get some kind of curiosity. Honestly as much as you have dreaded it I have been drooling and just giddy with excitement over the details of this very moment. Not many people can get my respect but damn have you ever done so." He nearly falls out of his chair with the amount of laughing and excitement he is expressing. "So I think it is no secret that you certainly have earned the right to a deal with me. I only have one demand in this whole deal and I will be upfront about it. What are your terms! Be honest with them, don't be shy!" He exclaims and then summons a dark black book and very fancy pen. Both of which match perfectly with his style choice.

"Well, they are very simple. I will start first with my offering to you specifically. I will make you coffee for as long as I am alive and have the ability to do so. Then, my terms on what I want. My first demand is that you must always employ Charles for as long as he wishes to be employed. Second, you must treat him with respect at all times. Certainly you are his master, but you must also respect he does work for you and wishes to be treated with respect. It is after all an honor to be in your service for him I am sure. Now for myself. I only want two simple things. My bills are always paid in full and on time. But they do not come out of my bank account. House, food, cars, the works. Finally, I wish to never have what happened to me yesterday happen to me again." Your voice cracks and tears start to flow a bit. "I wish to never.....have that happen again....please.." You fall to your knees and start weeping. Full blown tears, enough to flood a desert in seconds. You then feel a warm hand on your shoulder, and a soft warm voice in your ear. "You have a deal young lady. Those are terms that are more than enough." Your crying deepens and you throw your arms around the Dark Lord as he speaks to Charles. "Charles, bring me the book of deals. The red one." Charles responds with a simple "Yes sir, right away. Be back in 5.

"A few more minutes pass and you have collected yourself slightly. The Dark Lord helps you from the floor and much the same as Charles had done previously. He hands you a bottle of water. "Take a drink and catch your breath." You do exactly that, taking a drink you realize you didn't even reconcile these feelings before. You were scared out of your mind. Now though, things seem better. You know that you won't ever have to deal with this again. After a minute you choke the words out. "W-What about your terms? Don't you want something from me? I am sure more than just the coffee you have been given for the last few months." The Dark Lord gives a smile and a slight chuckle. "Darling, you faced the Devil and went toe to toe with expectations and in the end only cracked when you were overwhelmed with other feelings. You gained more respect from me today than anyone has in over 1000 years. Your terms of coffee are more than acceptable after the display of confidence."

Just as the Dark Lord finishes his sentence Charles walks in with a rather large red book. The Dark Lord thanks him and then opens the book to a blank page and writes out exactly what was requested of him. He turns the book to her and summons his very elegant blood quill. "These are the terms exactly as you asked me. I have also taken the liberty to close any loopholes so that they stay in tact. Please to read them over." You read them carefully. Aside from impeccable handwriting everything seems perfectly in order and as it should be. You put the quill to the paper and Charles speaks up. "Be sure Jessica. This is no small ask." You look at him and smile. "I am quite sure of this. If nothing else we suffer together." You then turn to the page and take every stroke of the quill with the pain it causes and enjoy the pain that is the best decision of your life. You finish and the Dark Lord speaks first. "It is done. I am bound to this contract just the same as Charles is his. Charles, as your first assignment. Your to make sure that Jessica always has protection. I will also accept you taking moments away to deal with problems yourself. Also, be sure that those two souls are given extra duty while any new ones are given the same. Take the book back, make it so. I will work in your place for now until you return. Take your time. I would like to get to know and talk with Jessica. After all, every demon in hell will likely know her name and face."

Charles takes his leave with the book his face smiling wider than ever before and his step just as peppy. After he leaves you speak up. "So you are really going to make sure to come personally every time so the three of us can have a cup of coffee together? If I didn't know any better Charles might have asked you to to setup a date..." He smiles his tail flicking as he does. "Well, the world may never know. But certainly I would love another cup of this lovely drink you made me. Just a bit more nutmeg for me this time though. Didn't know I needed this stuff in my life."

Every night at 3:33AM the Dark Lord and his assistant Charles drop by your home as they have for the last 40 years. Stopping by to catch up on the day, talk about life and death, and enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Its been 40 years, but today is different. The Dark Lord has brought a note. Its something you expected for a while. Your last living cup of coffee. But hey, not your last with the Dark Lord and his assistant. The devil's brew certainly is a good treatment for the soul.