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anne446 t1_iujycne wrote

Time is passing slowly. I have been working for a week now in 24 Coffee and this is my first night shift. I have seen a few drunks this evening. They were quite funny at first but when I got sleepier they started to irritate me more and more. The last customer left 5 minutes ago and I'm now cleaning up his puke. Anyway I'm not expecting many more customers since most bars are now closed. I put the dirty cloth in the laundry basket when I feel a sudden tap on my shoulder. A cold shiver runs down my spine, which enhances when I see what's standing in front of me. "A ghost", I accidently say while shaking. "I'm a demon, not a ghost.", says the demon. "I'm sorry.", I say. In my mind I say: "Please don't kill me." But the demon is not interested in killing me, at least not for now. "Can you make me a Dark Lorde's Latte please?", he asks. Damn Billy why did you put that drink on the menu, it lures in the creepiest of the creeps, I think, only to distract myself from my fear. The drink I make quicker than ever before. It also helps that my customer isn't much of a talker. Am I hallucinating? I don't want to look him in the eyes but I can see that he graps the cup and that he drinks it all in one go. He doesn't seem to bother the heat. Then he takes some coins from his purse and gives them to me. The coins don't look like money I have ever seen before, but I accept them nonetheless. "This drink is what I needed.", he says and soonly he drifts to the wall and disappears. The next morning I book an appointment with a therapist. I have been hallucinating it must have been, although I can still feel the demon's golden coins in my pocket. While hallucinating I must have bought these golden coins somewhere. Whatever it is, I need someone to talk to. The therapist replies to my message by saying that my case gets prioritized and that I can meet her in the afternoon at 16.00. The whole day I don't get out of my house. I'm trying to sleep, but thinking of the demon keeps me awake. It could have also been a nightmare, maybe I fell asleep during my first night shift and while sleepwalking I found these coins. But nobody ever told me that I walk in my sleep. Did the drunken guy give me the coins? Hopefully my therapist can give me answers. Her clinique is close to the church, which is a few miles from my appartment. I avoid cycling through the dark alleys. I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later her door opens with a squaky sound. 'Come in' she says. 'I'm Sharla and you must be James?", she says. 'Yes I'm James.', I say. 'Go and sit in the green chair.', she says. 'Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?", Sharla asks. "A coffee please.", I say. 'What kind of coffee do you want?' Sharla asks. 'A latte.", I say accidently. I don't even like latte. "I mean an espresso." But she already left the room. The room is nicely decorated. There are a few plants that are enjoying the sunshine and the paintings are interesting to look at. The paintings remind me of the places I love to visit. They look like the windy beaches near Bantham, and the floral forests south of Aberich. 'Here's your Latte." Sharla says. 'I like your paintings.' I say. 'Thank you I have made them myself. Could you tell me why you have come to me?', Sharla asks. "Yes.", I say while regretting that I have to go back to reality. I start my story and she listens carefully, writes something down from time to time and when I'm done she starts asking me questions. "Can you describe the demon?" "Have you ever seen demons before?" "Do you use drugs?""Are you scared to leave your house?" "Do you still want to go to work?" They are all kinds of useful questions, that I hadn't thought out that clearly. Tonight is another nightshift. I should make a choice whether I want to go or not. At the end of my session my curiosity wins from my fear. I mean she made a good point, according to her demons are only creations of the mind. I can if I want, try to make friends with the demon if he returns. I should'nt be afraid of him. I get prescribed some medicine that can prevent the demon from returning. I can always message Sharla if I have seen the demon again. It all sounded hopeful, until that night again at 3.33 in my coffeeshop, the demon returned.