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Shalidar13 t1_iqs4hjc wrote

"Thank you."

It was a quiet word, spoke by the woman I had just saved. A young boy clung to her tightly, tears streaking down his face. I put my hand on her shoulder, squeezing it slightly as she shook.

"You're welcome. It's late, how about I escort you both home?"

She nodded, reaching down to pick up her bag. I helped gather up her scattered groceries, using a quick bit of magic to clean off the street dirt. The little boy was still crying, and I knelt next to him.

"Hey, it's ok. You're safe little one. Do you want to ride Sinfil?"

At the mentioned of his name, my dire wolf companion looked up from the ground. He looked between myself and the child, before gently padding over. Behind him I saw a couple of guards pull away the damaged mugger, giving me a nod. I returned it, as Sinfil towered over the little boy. He gave the child a sniff, deciding he was neither threat nor food. He gave a couple of licks, getting a small giggle from the child.

"Here, let me help you."

I carefully lifted the boy, setting him on Sinfil's back. It earned me a slightly reproachful look, before he turned his head to lick at his tiny passenger. The woman gave a smile as her son gave another giggle, stroking the beast beneath him. I took the bag from her, before gesturing.

"Please, lead on. Let get you home."

"Thank you, its, um, this way."

She lead the way, quietly fiddling with a small necklace. Every few seconds she would glance back at her son, making sure he was still safe. I let her walk in silence for a bit, getting her thoughts ready, before I broke it.

"By the way, what are your names?"

She blushed a little.

"Oh, sorry! I'm Tira, and that Wanun."

"A pleasure to meet you, though I wish it had been under better circumstances. My name's Porra."

She gave a small smile at that.

"I know, you're the hero. It's funny, my husband has a sister with the same name."


She gave a nod.

"Yes. Though, I haven't met her, they haven't spoken for years."

I felt a sense of almost dread. Not that something bad was going to happen, but that I almost knew who her husband was. We lapsed into silence, as she pointed to a house..

"There. That's home. Please, come in for a bit."

I smiled, though I felt uneasy. She went to her door, unlocking it. She pushed it open, calling out gently.

"We're home."

A familiar voice answered, one I hadn't heard in years.

"Hey. You were gone a little longer than I thought."

Sinfil followed her in, and I brought up the rear. It was a small room, with a warm fire. There was a simple table to one side, with a few chairs dotted around. On one chair sat a man with brown hair, in comfortable clothes. He looked at me, and his face tightened.


I gave an awkward smile.

"Hi Werro."

Tira looked between use, shock and understanding on her face.

"Wait, you're..."

Werri answered first, staring at me.

"Tira, this is my sister Porra. What are you doing here?"

I turned, helping little Wanun down.

"I helped save your family from a mugging."

He spun to look at Tira, panic on his face.

"Mugging?! Are you OK?"

She nodded, eyes flicking over to Wanun as Sinfil showed his belly.

"We're fine, just a bit shaken, thanks to Porra."

He looked back at me, sizing me up and down. It took him an effort, I could tell, as he spoke again.

"Thank you."

I gave him a nod, before looking around. The room was small, but cosy. It was something I had rarely experienced, one I felt incredibly out of place in. I looked back at my brother, still seeing the residue of resentment in him. With a small sigh I looked at Tira and Wanun, before returning my gaze to him.

"You're welcome. Listen, can we talk?"

He glanced to his family, before looking back at me. I could still recognise the curiosity in his face, as he nodded, moving to leave the room.

"I guess."