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HSerrata t1_iqs4svy wrote

[Dinner Suggestion]

"Majesty? Everything okay?" John asked the question as soon as he turned the corner. His wife and their daughter stood in place with two strangers in front of them. One of the strangers was on the ground unconscious and the other stood behind him with a heroic pose; his hands rested on his hips with his elbows bent at a sharp angle. A blue cape billowed behind him.

"Johnny? Is that you?" the standing stranger pulled his dark blue eyemask off and grinned. John recognized his older brother instantly and a flash of surprise washed over his face.

"Hey... Josh," he replied. "Long time no see," John felt like he covered enough small talk and turned to his wife.

"What'd I miss?" he asked her.

"You missed me saving their lives," Josh chuckled. He nodded down at the unconscious stranger for effect. "But, don't take it to heart, Johnny. You couldn't have done anything even if you were here to take care of them. It's a good thing I happened to be flying by...," he added. Josh stepped over the mugger and smiled at Majesty. She was tall with deep purple hair and bronze skin.

"My name's Joshua, I'm Johnny's big brother; what's your name?" he asked as he extended a hand. She glanced at his hand, then locked eyes with him. She remained silent as she stared him down.

"This is my wife Majesty, and our daughter Royalty," John introduced them both; but, neither one smiled at Josh.

"You let a gorgeous woman like this walk around by herself? What kind of man are you, Johnny?" Josh asked. He made his appraisal of Majesty very apparent as he looked her up and down. When he looked back at his brother he found an annoyed glare. "You're not still bitter about me having Superpowers are you? I told you not to let it get to you, little bro, I can't help it if I was born better. "

"Actually, no," John shook his head. "I realized I was never bitter; you're the one that convinced me I was," he chuckled.

"Sure, if that's what you gotta tell yourself, Johnny. Go ahead and blame me; don't let anyone tell you you're being ungrateful." He turned his attention to Majesty again. He held up a light blue business card and offered it to her. "If you ever feel alone and unsafe, call me any time," he grinned. "I'll take care of anything that Johnny-boy can't." Majesty narrowed her eyes at him; but, a sudden giggle distracted both of them. Royalty giggled and pulled at John's sleeve. He smiled at her and leaned over so she could whisper something in his ear. He laughed and stood up again while patting Royalty on the shoulder.

"That would be funny, but let's not," he said. "He's still your uncle."

"What?" Josh asked. "What would be funny?" he looked down at the girl but she had a perfect, flat poker face.

"It's nothing," John replied. "Anyway, it was nice seeing you. Let's not hurry to do it again." He led the way forward with Majesty and Royalty behind him.

"Oh, Majesty, don't forget my card," Josh blocked her path and held the card up. "I'll take good care of you," he added. Majesty walked around him.

"My mom can take care of herself!" Royalty stopped in her tracks to chide Josh.

"Oh, can she?" Josh asked Royalty with a smirk.

"Yes!" Royalty replied.

"Come along, Royalty," Majesty spoke for the first time. "We don't have anything to prove to anyone."

"Hmph!" Royalty turned her nose up at Josh and walked around him to join her family.

"That's a nice family you've got there, little bro," Josh chuckled. "It was an honor to keep them safe for you!" he laughed harder.

"That's where I draw the line," Majesty stopped walking and turned to face Josh. She grabbed Royalty's hand and led her to Josh. "I don't care what you think of us, necessarily; but, I refuse to let you believe you helped in any way. Your brother is the best man I've ever met and there is nothing he needs your help for." Majesty raised her hand in front of him and she held it open as if she was about to grab something.

As soon as Josh focused on her hand, she squeezed it shut. At the same moment, cool dark soil entombed Josh's body from the neck down. "The mugger was no threat to me...," Majesty said. As she answered she raised her hand slightly and the earthen tomb around Josh also rose higher in the air. "None at all" Majesty flicked her hand up and Josh was sent flying straight up with the dust and dirt.

Josh managed to catch himself in the air and he floated down safely. Majesty had already turned away but Royalty stared into his eyes as he landed.

"Something I can do for you?" Josh asked. She grinned and nodded; but, she turned back to her parents. They stood some distance away waiting for her. John gave her an approving nod, then she turned back to Josh.

"Your card...," she said. He immediately pulled out the light blue card again.

"Yeah?" he asked. Maybe she had changed her mind.

"Eat it," she said.

"What?" Josh asked; but, that was the only question he managed to voice before he shoved the card into his mouth.

Thank you for reading! I’m responding to prompts every day. This is story #1721 in a row. (Story #275 in year five.). This story is part of an ongoing saga that takes place at a high school in my universe. It began on August 22nd and I will be adding to it with prompts every day until May 26th. They are all collected in order at this link.