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Paxblaidd t1_iu1da9y wrote

Amber and blue scales formed a tapestry that sat atop the shelves. Within the patterns of the interlocked armor sat a large watchful eye: a reptilian intelligence that fixated on the horizon beyond the cave walls. The girl below was stacking the books in a haphazard pile. Occasionally she would crack open a tome, her eyes hungrily roving the pages before snapping it shut, replacing it on the shelves or adding it to the stack.

The Prince’s eyes switched between the two, taking in the scene, seeing what he was fighting against. His sister, hair unkempt, her eyes bagged and nerves twitching as she took more and more books, the stack well and truly massive. It began to stretch over her head as she greedily piled them. The dragon, its own history written on its skin; the scales forming pictures and images of its birth, life, and deeds. It sat back, aware of all around it and caring little as its hoard was plundered once more.

He looked over the stack of books, reading some of the titles. Some of the books were written in different tongues, and he could see translation books for those exact pulls sticking out of the pile. Most, if not all, were exceptionally rare. This was not going to be easy.

He cleared his throat. His sister looked up at him, eyes passing him over like he was an uninteresting tome. “Hello brother!” She spoke loudly, as if she’d not seen him till now. He nodded in return. “I see you’ve come here. Again.” He placed his hands in his pockets, glancing up to the dragon once more. The slit of the pupil dilated as he stared back. He frowned.

“Oh, was I not supposed to? I had no idea.” She scoffed, picking up a random book and sitting on a pillow she’d pilfered from home. He began to speak as she opened the book, pretending to ignore him. “I find that hard to believe considering Father screamed at you not to come back here. Without permission of course.” He stressed the last part, letting her remember that she’d been given concessions.

“I know, it’s just that I’ve run out.” She spoke back, leafing through pages. His eyes widened. “What?”

She shrugged. “I was re-reading the last few ones that I really wanted to understand, and realized I’d run out from the last visit, and I needed more.” She gestured about. “So I snuck out.”

“How-its been three days since the last visit, how did you run out already?” He remembered the veritable cartload of books that the servants had brought into the house, the sweat on their faces. He knew she was a fast reader, but-

He turned to look at the dragon once more. Its eye was closed now. “And you came out here in the middle of the night, up the mountain to get more.” He looked at the shelves, the empty spots more than those not. The servants would need to return the last batch tomorrow. “How are you going to carry all those?” He pointed to the stack. She glanced at it, then glanced back, as though she’d forgotten about transporting it.

“I was going to make multiple trips.” She rubbed her arms. There was guilt in her eyes.

The prince took a moment. His sister’s face was marked by nights of restlessness, an addiction she couldn’t break. He knew why, the escape offered by the books were too enticing, her regular life too stressful for her.

“This won’t affect your performance at the Gala, will it?” He raised an eyebrow, concern writ on his face. Her face fell, her tone hardening. “No.” There was a reason. Her etiquette training, he knew, was forcibly consuming her every waking moment, and the books were sneaking into whatever free time she had, which included sleep. The fact that he’d mentioned it like he did lost him points with her, but not as many as he was about to earn.

“Then you’ll need help, won’t you?” He removed his jacket and approached, his sister smiling now. “You would do that? I thought-”

“If it means that much to you, then I’ll help. But promise me you won’t overdo it this time. These will NEED to last the month.” She was already nodding furiously as he picked up a few, arranging them beneath his discarded jacket, tying them into a bindle and hefting them up. “Carry out the ones you want the most, I’ll be behind you.” She hugged him suddenly.

There was a shivering weakness to the hug, despite the warmth. He held her close. “You’re the best brother ever.” She spoke before breaking away, carrying a few heavy tomes with her to the mouth of the cave.

When she was out of earshot, his own smile fell. He turned to look at the beast, its eye still tightly shut, mimicking sleep.

“I know what you’re doing to her, monster. Giving her some kind of charm or hex to read faster perhaps? Making her rely on you, hmm?” It did not move. “Understand this, father and mother, and perhaps many of us care little for our own in ways that count, but that doesn’t include me. I’ll fight for her however I can, and you won’t drive her away from all of us with empty words.”

The slit opened softly, staring him down. He did not flinch. “My words are the books’ words. They are full and laden with knowledge. The pursuit of which is endless.” There was no movement of the reptilian mouth as it spoke to him. It blinked, eye opening wider. “Will your affection outlast that?”

He said nothing as he turned away, books in hand.

Thanks for reading!


jardanovic t1_iu71pr4 wrote

Winter's chill had made a return, making the coziness of my lair ever more appreciated. With the fireplace I taught myself to build, quilts I taught myself to sew, and baked goods I taught myself to make, it would've put any inn to shame. And my dear Flora would certainly attest to that statement, as she was indulging herself in all three amenities as she pored over a book on speaking dragontongue. She insisted on learning the language now that we were living together, which I found so touching.

I, in my human form, was curled up beside her, savoring her aroma of peppermint as I tested her knowledge. "Alright, try this: <I sailed past the edge of the world three times over.>"

Flora thought for a bit before answering, "<And still I know of no sight more brilliant than you.>"

I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Exactly correct. And your accent was flawless."

Flora giggled. "Well, I owe it all to my teacher. Speaking of which," she continued as she shifted positions to get into my lap, "Is there anything I can do for extra credit, Mrs. Moonslice?"

I purred as I wrapped my arms around her. "Always, princess. No such thing as being too much of a teacher's pet, after all."

Flora and I began kissing as I pulled the quilt off of us and we rolled onto the bearskin carpet. The fire crackled and bathed the both of us in warm, flickering light as Flora peppered my neck with bite marks. In between soft gasps, I said to her, "You know what the worst part of this is? When I turn back into a dragon, these lovely marks of yours will be gone."

"Mmm, I love the image of you flying around, brazenly showing off how you're all mine--"


A thunderous knocking rang through the lair. Someone was at the front door. I groaned as I took a break from the entertainment to fire up the pneumatic communication system Flora put together last weekend. Static briefly rang out from the speaker, followed by the voice of a woman yelling, "Flora, you come out here this instant!" Now, it was Flora's turn to groan--her mother was back again.

Flora pressed the button on the microphone and said, "I'm sorry, but we don't allow any Queen Prudences on the premises. Please come back when you are someone else."

"Flora, you open this door and come home right now!"

"Well, she would if she wouldn't freeze to death," I responded. "And, you know, if she actually wanted to."

"Nobody was talking to you, you scaled harlot!"

Flora scowled. "Don't talk to Brunhilde like that!"

Prudence sighed aggressively. "Look, Flora, I know that you had this place recognized by the archival society as a repository of knowledge so I couldn't just order it destroyed. And your father and I agree that this little rebellious phase has officially gone too far. Now, we've found a prince from a neighboring kingdom who's willing to marry you, so if you come down here peacefully, we'll leave this hovel alone."

Flora looked like she was about to explode. "Okay, first of all, Brunhilde is a thousand times better than any milquetoast royal bastard you could find. Second of all, you will respect the lair's protected status regardless of my decision or I'll sic the grand archivist on your ass. And third of all, I lost my virginity to our old gardener Primrose, so this is not and never has been a phase. Now fuck off!"

Flora hung up and let out a huff as she slumped back against the quilt pile. I scooted in next to her and said, "You okay, honey?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just...why can't I be enough for that woman as I am?"

I placed my hand over hers. "Well, she's stupid. And you'll always be enough for me."

Flora smiled and leaned against my shoulder. "Thanks, baby."

"So, the gardener, huh?"

Flora smirked and began stroking my thigh. "Do you want details or do you want to help me bury my virginity ever further?"

"Second option, please."


Blue_Shirt_Hornet OP t1_iu85lho wrote

I adore this to an extent that I can't describe.

The relationship between the dragon and the princess is perfect and the casual introduction of advanced technology was really fun. Also we can't forget:

>I'm sorry, but we don't allow any Queen Prudences on the premises. Please come back when you are someone else.

That was beautiful. Thank you for writing this


jardanovic t1_iu89h0k wrote

Thank you so much! I don't think I've ever gotten this much praise for one of my stories


Blue_Shirt_Hornet OP t1_iu8a7rl wrote

You definitely deserve it, I'm just sad that more people won't get to read it. The prompt is pretty old already


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