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armageddon_20xx t1_iu2snf5 wrote

"Fires will engulf their cities while earthquakes drain their rivers. Pestilence and starvation will finish most of the remainder with ease."

"Look, I know they have destroyed their planet with the type of recklessness that neither of us could have anticipated, but just destroying them all in an explosive inferno is not the answer. I know it's what they deserve, but it just isn't right. Forgiveness is called for."

"Well, I'm not saying kill all of them. Ninety-nine percent will do. They must learn their lesson though. If we continue to let them act with impunity then the whole experiment is over. Haven't you given them enough chances at forgiveness already?"

"I will give them infinite chances at forgiveness, for they are weak. There just has to be another solution here."

"There's none, I assure you. Another fifty years and the planet is toast. The time to act is now. A mass extinction event is the only way and you know it."


"Come on here, you're no stranger to wiping out massive groups of people. A certain flood comes to mind."

"But I promised I wouldn't do that again."

"Look, I'm not going to stand by and watch you let them do this. You should be prepared for a fight."


"Wait, which of us is supposed to be the good one? It can't be you, for you've doomed them to a certain destruction by their own hand, and it can't be me, as I want to destroy most of them now."

God shrugged.


RivCA t1_iu7jxci wrote

As a Christian, this story leaves me torn. On the one hand, the one simply known as the Deceiver wishes to elevate himself above his Creator, while the other had made man in His image. Part of that was finally going hands off to let humanity run its course. Fundamentally, though, they're both right. We as a species need to get our collective heads out of our collective asses.

Plus, your username checks out. My hat's off to you, good sir. (If I misgendered you, I apologize, and will address the pronoun accordingly should you see fit to correct me.)