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GavinTheShapeshifter t1_irtb3ju wrote

The Dark Lord wasnt impressed by my skills or my current level. They were nearly triple what I was with skills I never heard of before and even magic types yet to even be discovered. I never knew you could shape sand like water, Or freeze water using it like earth. Fire could be mixed with the earth to create an entirely new type of magic type to control even the most powerful volcanos-... I was no match... The Dark lord looked at me as I laid down trying to get up my resolve keeping even despite my lack of power. "You still wish to fight... Tch! Why didnt they teach you better?! I was bored and hoping to finally be entertained for once! I even sent you fodder!! You know what they say sometimes if you want something its best to do something yourself..." Suddenly they healed me and had my mana recovered fully. "Wh-what are you doing?!" You asked a little perplexed by the fact your health, mp, and stamina, all rose to your max. "Your of little concern to even be a threat to me... Your training begins in 3 days go rest and I encourage you to look around, read, study, and meditate. Perhaps after this you'll be a worthy opponent after this since you have shown the most potential." Ten years later you two got closer, despite all they've done to you and your comrades, you were almost treating one another like the best Childhood friends. "Hey Xanadu how are you today?" You say with your body more toned, disaplined, Mana no longer flowing like raging waters but instead flowing steadily like a stream. "Good however this will be the last of the knowledge I can pass to you today. I will give you time to prepare for our rematch-" suddenly you interrupted them. "Hold on Rematch? Like when I fought you ten years ago?! N-no wait... hold on-... You've disproved so much of the lies I've learned about magic and you know so much I-I cant kill you-! Your... the last of your kind..." Xanadu looks at you with a smile and oats your shoulder. "The world requires sacrifice to change, someone needs to be the villan and the other a hero. The world is corrupt and needs fixing however I no longer need to go on... You already know of my kids and my wife and how I have already prepared them and did my best to have them understand it all. Quin we must fight, I've taught you more than just magic and skills. I've given you all the knowledge I possess you've read every book and story and you already know everything from weapons to history. You already know the story of my kind... We were feared because of our strength. We were hated because of our internal heritage. However it was the minority of the few that caused most of this, their bloodlust requiring them to be put down like a wild dog. There is however one thing in this world that requires protection .. The weak you already know I spare children and demi humans... I may be evil but I am no monster." You could only ball up your fist and suck up what tears and emotions you had. They were your mentor, your friend, your therapist, and teacher. you looked at them teary-eyed and protested "I dont care if Im the Chosen one to defeat you please! I can't just kill you after all you've done for me... I cant throw away what we've built up together I-" Xanadu silenced you smiling sweetly as their dagger like teeth show as he felt your sympathy and couldn't be happier. "Quin... Yes I understand your emotions are justified and right. It shows you have a good heart, however if your worried about that simply just let me go out with a bang. Im not as young as I was 10 years ago, you've also grown and matured. But they are all depending on you. Most of them likely figure you dead, so just come back to them bloody weary and with my head and they'll all rejoice. Bring them knowledge and take hold of my army. The undead will all die with me so no worries there. From the Kolbolds to even the Imps. All of them will follow you willingly, since you've spent so much time with them all and they know they're lives are safe in your hands. Bring what I could not as a fool in my youth. Do me this one selfish request friend." Through tears and a sniffling nose at this emotional revelation you nodded agreeing with them. You knew despite them being the only one to understand what sort of burden you carry and the only one to truly resonate with your backstory, if there was to be peace in this world again the title of Demon Lord must be erased from history. The cruel twist of fate in this story? Only those pure in heart can become either Demon Lord or A Chosen One. The true prophecy read that they are ment to face eachother as close friends to bring a change to the world. After your final bits of training you went to the old dungeon you never completed and went through it taking out your feelings on the monsters below as you didnt even feel better afterwards, Simply worse at the fact every kill makes you think of what the final blow could be to Xanadu. Xanadu the last of the infernal Archdemons of old. At the end of the dungeon you would find a note from Xandu..? You quickly picked it up and read it, "Dear Quin, by this time it would likely have been 5 maybe 10 years. The day you came and challanged me I thought for once about how I'd kill you. However I saw the fire I once had in your eyes and I held back on you in our first fight, I didnt even go past 10%, Im glad I held back though because at the time of writing this you've brought me and my home much needed light. You brought a once divided territory together. You helped people find love and even love from anothet species. You truely are the chosen one. Im sure your sad and upset, as am I. So I give you the sword you seemed to continue to eye ever since I told you it was the strongest of all of them. I give this t you not out of pity or worry you don't defeat me, but out of kindness and gratitude for what you have done for me. Also as a way of congratulations on the end of your training and the hopeful end of this journey you have so a new one towards world peace can start. Make sure to give me a spectacular end like one read in books. - Sincerely Xandu" ... [Part 2 coming later if you enjoy this!]