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JAMSDreaming t1_iu9oise wrote

"One of two things: This is Narnia or a horror movie" I said to myself. Either way, my life was boring and I needed a deep life lesson that would change it from its very core, so I just carelessly entered.

I saw a single room, with a candle that wasn't even light on... and a rainbow lighter. When I picked up the lighter, its colour changed into brown.

"What in the...?" I try to switch on the flame, and I'm amazed when I see it's rainbow coloured. "Amazing!"

I then light on the candle... and a strange creature, cat-like, that floats around appears.

"Welcome-nya! This is Neko-Rainbow, and I'll explain to you what the Rainbow Flame is-nya!" The cat said.

I didn't utter a word. This did not seem like reality.

"When turning your first Rainbow Flame-nya, the flame makes me as your tutor-nya!" The cat said. "Basically, the Rainbow Flame is the source of imagination coming true-nya! A blessing from the Three Goddess of Chaos to this world-nya! And this is one of the eight lighters that exist on it-nya!"

"Only eight? So I have one" I say, holding the lighter.

"Of course-nya! But this is because the previous owner made this room with a Rainbow Flame-nya, to then leave the lighter and commit suicide, renouncing definitively to the lighter-nya!"

"Really? So there is a Rainbow Flame hidden in my home that gives this room life. Can it create life?" I ask.

"The only hard limits on the Rainbow Flame is that it can't directly resurrect the dead and it can't create more magical lighters nor anything that would produce more Rainbow Flames-nya!" Neko-Rainbow said. "Also, only the creator of a Rainbow Flame can create stuff with it-nya, and it will never consume the surface that burns, but it will go off without oxygen or if you blow on it hard enough-nya"

"What happens if it goes off?" I asked.

"That everything that was created on it dissapears. If the thing it creates is a room, the room and anything inside of it, be a real thing or created by the Rainbow Flame, will cease to exist" Neko-Rainbow said, ominously, to then switch to his happy demeanor. "Do you want to try blowing your flame out?"

"Could you guide me to the Flame that gives this room life?" I asked.

"Of course! I just know where it is. Follow me!" Neko-Rainbow said.

I followed him into the attic and saw the rope where the previous owner had hung himself, and the solitary rainbow flame on a scented candle. Huh. No wonder the house was so cheap. I gently get to the candle, and look at the flame. I don't feel the same wonder I felt with my candle, I guess it was because of not being my Rainbow Flame. Then I have a question.

"How did you know the guy hung himself? Also, how did you know the candle was here? And did he seriously make a room with a candle for the next guy who bought his house?" I asked.

"Because I hold the memories of the magical lighter, because I hold the memories of the magical lighter aaand because I hold the memories of the magical lighter. I didn't see him hanging himself, I just remember him prepping the rope, turning on the candle and putting the lighter on the room" Neko-Rainbow said. "I also hold certain memories of yours, because I was made by your flame, so I know someone died in that house. I just put stuff together"

"You're quite intelligent, Neko-Rainbow" I say, getting so near the flame my breath is making it tremble. "So if I destroy this, I will make that room dissapear, yes?"

"And everything on it, even the candle that gives me form" Neko-Rainbow said.

I looked at Neko-Rainbow. He seemed worried, but accepting. He surely knew what I was about to do. My sigh blew off the candle... and Neko-Rainbow dissapeared. I took the candle, and the door was no more.

"Well... time to do stuff with this candle, I guess"