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WhenPoppyWonders t1_iui1e31 wrote

Deep in the Moonlight Forest, a strange floating island in space, a small thatch hut stands. Smoke leaks from a small hole in the woven roof; sometimes it's yellow, other times green, or even blue or pink.

Despite being situated in the most dangerous part of the Forest, where even gods and demons hesitate for fear of being eaten, this small hut was left alone. It was as if those horrific creatures, that would feast on the still-breathing bodies of deities, were scared of that fragile shack.

And so they should be. The being that called that hut a home was nothing else but a witch, who brewed medicines and poisons and weapons, all of which went against all morality. That witch had broken all of the rules of natures to seek power, and thus was outlawed by the world and ejected into the Moonlight Forest to die.

What they did not expect was for the unnatural creature to craft poisons and weapons from the foliage of the forest, to the point where every creature feared it. Now, the strongest in the galaxy had to brave the dangers of the forest to seek the help of the infamous Moonlight Witch. Cures for incurable poisons, poisons for unkillable enemies, the Moonlight Witch would ask no questions and make them all.

Ji Yanran, the princess of the Galactic Tan Empire, sought medicine for her father's illness. So, she headed for the Moonlight Forest for the Moonlight Witch. She braved countless trials before arriving at the fragile-looking door of the witches hut.

When she entered, she saw something that shocked her. Having only heard rumours of the Moonlight Witch, she only knew what she had heard, which was confused at best. Some rumours described the Witch as a beautiful woman, some as an ugly old hag. Others even went so far as to say it was actually a man, but nobody believed that. What witches in history were male, after all?

Ji Yanran was therefore shocked at the sight of the wizened old man crushing ingredients in his pestle. His body was wrinkled, and his skin was like leather, tough and browned. There was a wart on the right side of his nose, and a gray stubble covered the lower half of his face. His silver hair was loose and long, reaching to the bottom of his spine. Dressed in a long purple tunic with golden characters sown in, he looked perfectly witch-like.

However what were most noticeable were his blue eyes. Sunken and aged as they were, they still sparkled with the vigour of a young man. They practically glowed as he looked up from the small wooden bowl to survey the new arrival with interest.

He spoke then, as the princess was still rooted to the spot. He had a raspy voice, the voice of a man who hasn't spoken in years.

"This is new. What brings a princess to my humble abode? Do you seek poison, to remove a blockade from your path to the galactic throne? Or maybe a bottle to trap the souls of your enemies? Or..." He smirked slightly. "Perhaps, you seek a cure for your father's illness?"

Ji Yanran snapped back to reality when the Moonlight Witch said that. She didn't know what to say, and could only squeak out a small "How...?" before falling silent again.

The Witch snorted disdainfully.

"I have my ways, brat, just tell me why you're here and I'll leave. I may have all day, but I won't waste it on you." The Witch went back to using the mortar and pestle, now adding a strange golden flower and mixing it in with the contents of the other crushed plants.

The princess regained her composure, then spoke clearly. "Yes, I am here to seek medicine for my father, who is dangerously ill. I'll give you everything I have, if only you can save him!"

"Hooh, everything you say?" He smirked again as he place down the mortar and grabbed his bamboo cane. He spoke as he moved closer to the princess, while never moving his eyes from her. "What do you have that I would want? I don't need opulence, it's tacky. Money is worthless here, and I can find any ingredients I need here, in the wilderness or my garden. Nothing you have would interest me."

Ji Yanran gulped slightly, then said in a shaky voice, "What about... a Philosopher's Stone?"

The Witch's reaction was immediate. He stood straighter, and widened his eyes.

"A Philosopher's Stone, is that true?" He was shaking as he stared directly into Ji Yanran's eyes.

She slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out a small red gem, the size of her fingernail. Carefully, Ji Yanran held this small gem between her thumb and finger, completely showing off its opulence. As he moved her finger, the light was refracted in a strange way, becoming a blue colour as it travelled through the gem.

"It's... real... It's the real Philosopher's Stone! And... you just want a cure for your father?" He looked suspiciously at the princess, scrutinising her with those intelligent blue eyes.

"Yes, and... all my future requests too, no matter what they are. They will all be worth together what the Stone is worth for you."

The Moonlight Witch stared for a few moments, before bursting into laughter. It was a maniacal laughter, the sound of thousands of years of torment and anger being released in one fell swoop. When he stopped and looked at the princess again, those sunken eyes held the beginning of respect for the princess.

"Fine, fine. This Stone is priceless after all. Any future requests you make, I shall fulfill with no hassle. Plus, the cure is easy, since I made the poison that's killing him."

"WHAT?" Ji Yanran yelled.

"Don't be so noisy. Yes, I made that poison in return for this treasure." He pointed to the pestle and mortar. "It increases the potency and strength of what I prepare in it, a rather rare find. If I'm not mistaken, it was your first eldest brother who asked for it."

"What? First brother would never do something like this. He's so kind and funny!" Ji Yanran didn't believe the old Witch's words.

"What would I lie to you for? To gain favour? Un-bloody-likely. Your brother, the crown prince, told me himself that he was, to quote exactly, "losing patience at the old leech fused to the throne and draining the empire for so long".

"No way..." Ji Yanran sat down on the floor and put her head in her hands, feeling distraught and lonely all of a sudden.

The Witch looked at the princess indifferently, then turned to the pestle again. He scooped out the mixture from before and stored it in a small jar, before washing the pestle out and placing different ingredients in. A small golden vine; a massive pink petal the size of the princess' hand; and other unidentifiable ingredients. A small pill furnace was placed over a fire, the ingredients were emptied into it unceremoniously, and the lid was placed firmly back.

An hour of silence and mortar grinding later, the Witch suddenly dropped everything and opened the cauldron again, revealing a small white orb. A medicinal pill, crafted in a pill furnace using the best quality ingredients. Small cloudy patterns were covering the pill, showing its high quality.

"Here. Take it and get lost." The Witch made a shooing motion to the girl while he held the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, admiring it.

"Yes, thank you Witch!" Ji Yanran waved before running from the hut. Staring after her, the Moonlight Witch only rubbed his stubble and smiled a little. "What and interesting girl..."

He then went back inside and began to mix ingredients again.