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AnimeFanLee t1_ishq0dw wrote

It was nearly 300 years ago that humanity finally took its first tentative steps into real galactic travel. Since then, we have made many great advances in space travel. We've developed FTL quantum engines that fold space around the craft to allow manned travel to distant galaxies and back.

It was with great hope and anticipation that, in the year SD56, the Galactic Reconnaisance Force set out to find intelligent life beyond our Solar System. By SD133, we had exhaustively searched the entirety of the Milky Way with no luck. So we looked to our neighbouring galaxies.

Over 150 years later, in SD289, we've found no other intelligent lifeforms amongst the dozens, hundreds of galaxies we've traversed. That isn't to say we've found nothing; no, we have found evidence of other species that attained legitimate space travel, but nothing of their societies remained.

What happened to them? Where did they all go? These are the questions that have risen in our expedition. These are the questions we are now trying to work out. And we fear that it is the answer to these questions that our equipment is detecting, rapidly approaching from the direction of a recently destroyed civilisation in a galaxy on the fringe of our radius.