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JBZGem t1_itvw3lg wrote

I shelve the books, ignoring the spectre following me around as it recited poetry. The poetry wasn't bad, but the moment you gave a spectre attention, then they get worse. I peeked over at the table where an attractive man sat pretending to read. He smiled and grinned, his fangs poking out slightly. A wolfman. Great. They can't ever just be a human. And he's getting up to come talk to me.

I quickly turn and walk through the spectre, trying not to gasp at the chill. A woman is coming up through the aisle and I give her the look. She smiles at me and opens her arms.

"Hello Violet! Soo good to see you after so long!" The woman coos as she hugged me. I never wear my name tag so the fact that she said my real name immediately put me on edge. I quickly inspect her, wondering if I had put myself into the arms of another creature. Her soft curly brown hair was put up in a loose bun, held in place by two hair pins topped with silver doves. A few curls fell along the side of her round face. Her eyes were a calm blue ocean and filled with the wonder of a child. Her nose was upturned just a little, above plush, pink lips. A silver heart hung from a chain around her delicate neck. Her figure was curvy. She was adorable and absolutely gorgeous.

"I'm doing well. It's good to see you, too," I reply, realizing that I wanted to stay near her. "What brings you here?"

"What? I can't pay my lovely little flower a visit? Come, let's get lunch!" She says pleasantly, steering me towards the library exit. I protest, explaining that I couldn't just leave and I had to get my things. I start to panic. I don't know what kind of creature this woman is, but she has me in her clutches.

"Calliope! I'm taking my daughter out for lunch. Please have her things sent along. Thank you, sweetie," she says, waving at my coworker as we're almost to the doors. To my surprise, my coworker waves back saying, "You got it, Aphrodite."

Aphrodite? The Greek Goddess of Love?

"I'm so glad you remember me, Violet. Demeter was saying it was unrealistic for me to expect it considering you were just a baby when I had to leave you. But, a daughter always knows her own mother! She's probably still sore about Persephone and Hades. It is still midwinter so she's probably missing her. Perse-"

"You're my mother?" I interrupted.

"Of course! And I'm finally here. I'm so sorry," she snaps her fingers and we're suddenly in a lush garden where pillows and a low table ladened with food is set up. Holding onto my hand she drags me over and sits me down. Then she yanks me to her to hug me. Somehow, I've become smaller against her. She's sobbing.

"Oh Violet, I'm so so sorry!" She cries, squeezing me. "Zeus thought it was the best thing for you! I've regretted it every day!"

She proceeds to tell me that she had wanted a baby, but one entirely of her own. So with the help of the Fates, they fashioned a few of her favorite personal items into a child: Me. To celebrate my birth, Aphrodite held a huge party 3 days after with all the gods and goddess. Everyone loved me and that was the trouble. No one wanted to give me back and begged Aphrodite to let them have me as their daughter. She kept a close watch on me, and borrowed a few of Hera's peacocks should attempt to steal me away. After several long months of this, Aphrodite asked for Zeus's help. And he suggested giving me to mortal parents, where the Olympian Gods would have difficulty finding me since mortals now prayed to new gods. Aphrodite agreed and gave me to Pam and Scarlett on the night of their wedding. They had considered adoption soon after so Aphrodite had answered their prayers. It wasn't long until Aphrodite learned that my mothers were soon being harrassed by other creatures asking to adopt me soon after they saw me.

"Do you know why?" I asked.

"I suspect it's because of my girdle," she says, looking at me. "I created you out of things I love. After Helen... I decided not to lend the girdle out anymore. But I didn't think the magic would be as strong after we took it apart. I assumed at most it would guarantee you an easy life filled with love. But I was wrong."

"It doesn't seem to work on humans," I point out.

"Curious. We'll have to ask the Fates what they think."

I laid against her. For the first time in 30 years, I felt safe.