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TypicalPunUser t1_ityhwv2 wrote

Of all the people this nightmare could happen to...

I should probably explain. I was "blessed" by some magical deity to be extremely attractive to the supernatural. I o not know why or how, but for the last 15 years, my life has felt like a never-ending nightmare.

Fae try to claim dominion over me so I can become their... whatever they try to make me into, Selkies have tried tricking me into taking their skin, and vampires... I don't even wanna remember what THEY have pulled on me...

Don't even get me started with the were-creatures or the god damn undead, though. THOSE bastards are overly clingy!

First it started of rather simple, since I was basically an orphan most of my childhood, some supernatural beings would try and adopt me as their own, but as I grew into a teenager, things got worse.

And here I am, confined to my bedroom, all because these creatures decided to tag-team against me, which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't midnight, my back is what is currently keeping the door shut, and I haven't had sleep in over 30 hours, due to me pulling an all-nighter so I could get my project done on time.

"Why me... Why now..." I barely muttered, my eyes slowly closing due to the sheer weight of my eyelids from how tired I was. The banging on the door was barely enough to keep me awake. I hated how powerless I felt due to how desperately these things were trying to wed me.

Eventually my body got a bit too used to the banging, letting my eyelids fully close...

I suddenly awoke to what sounded like an electrocardiogram. My body was still exhausted at the time, so it didn't fully register where I was, until I tried moving one of my arms, resulting in a major shock of pain, forcibly waking me up.

I, err, whimpered in pain, waiting for it to end, before looking around the room, properly taking in where exactly I was. I noticed that the arm I'd tried moving was put in a cast, presumably broken sometime after I passed out.

I suddenly felt something rest on my uninjured arm, leading me to tense up instinctively. Glancing at my arm, I noticed what looked to be a bird-like claw resting peacefully on my arm, with some female looking down at me, smiling a bit.

God dammit, not another harpy... I thought, groaning partially from the pain, and partially because even hospitalized I wasn't safe. Upon noticing that I saw her, the female began to speak for the first time

"Thank god you're safe, little brother..."



TypicalPunUser t1_iu2ctg7 wrote

[Part 2]

"...Huh?" I asked, confused about who this female is, and why she's calling me her 'little brother'

"Oh do you not remember me, David..? I suppose it WAS over a decade ago..." The harpy slowly reached into a bag, pulling out an image of what looked to be our mother, her, and a spitting image of... me. Well, me when I was still a kid, anyways.

She placed the photo into my functional hand, allowing me to see it for myself. I looked through the photo in it's entirety. I saw how happy we all looked back then, I watched the background's vibrant blue sky. I noticed that, for the first and perhaps only time in my life, my mind and body looked and maybe even felt... calm.


"No fair, sis! You know I can't fly..!" I whined out at Debra, who was carrying me a good ten feet off the ground.

"Well maybe now would be a good time to figure how to, eh?" Debra remarked laughing a bit, before dropping me into the mud below, to which I faceplanted into with a hard slap.

I got up, with a groan, wiping the mud off my face, hearing her giggle playfully at my unfortunate situation.


I felt tears roll down my face, a slight smile creeping up my face. Though she was my biggest annoyance during my childhood, I wouldn't trade her for the world. Before long though, the door opened, as a rather tall male in a doctor's coat walked into the room.

"So, you must be David. Debra told me what happened. Somehow obtained the attraction of... seventeen supernatural entities, and ended up with a broken arm, splinters deeply embedded into your left leg, and claw marks all over your body," The male gestured to my general direction, before grabbing a syringe and injecting it's substance into me before I could react, "No need to worry, I just injected morphine into your system. You won't feel a thing for a little while or so. Sensually, not emotionally, anyway."

The man suddenly conjured what looked to be a pale white light into his hand, before launching it straight at me. The light fade into my body, as I noticed my injured limbs begin to convulse, the sounds of bones simultaneously snapping and knitting themselves filled the room, and massive wood splinters forcibly exiting my leg. I wanted to scream, yet I couldn't feel any of the mind slaughtering pain that this would be giving by now.

A few minutes passed, and the sounds ended, but the morphine's effects wore off with it, "So it's... fully healed now?" I asked, mildly confused about the whole situation right now, because if I didn't know any better, I'd have assumed he could be a priest in disguise.

"Yes, you may remove the cast from your arm, sir," The male watched me undo my own cast, but what I saw underneath startled both Debra and I. My arm had for a few seconds, looked like a harpy's claw-based arm instead of a human one which I normally had, "Huh. Interesting. I didn't know your kind still existed."

[Probably a Part 3 in the works.]


TypicalPunUser t1_iu35zpi wrote

[Part 3]

Debra squealed in excitement, knowing something I clearly did not, only amplified by the doctor considerably specific wordage of 'your kind'. She wrapped her feathery arms and wings around me tightly.

"I told you you could fly, little bro..." She giggled like she always did, but it didn't ease my confusion.

"Ok, first off, what the hell's going on? What do you mean 'my kind' and why did I see my left arm look like a harpy's?!"

"Well, David, turns out you're... Well, you're a shapeshifter," The man explained, "A being whose kind was literally believed to be extinct for centuries. As a shapeshifter, you're ale to, well, shapeshift, durr."

"...Huh," I thought for a moment, before a proverbial spark flooded my eyes like a wave of inspiration crashed into Mozart's mind, "That explains fucking everything! No wonder I seemed so attractive to the supernatural, because they somehow knew I'm an endangered species!"

"Indeed. Heck, when you get back from college, mom's gonna be so happy to know you can fly like the rest of us!" Debra tightened her grip, but released when she heard me groan a bit in pain, "S-sorry..."

"well, not EVERY supernatural being knows. I wasn't even fully aware until I noticed you demonstrating it just recently, and I'm even a demon," The man began to unfurl his infernal wings and tail, beginning to reveal his infernal horns as well, but what was odd was instead of their usual abnormal coloring, his wings, tail and horns were ivory white, like something had purified whatever demonic taint he normally would have, "Demons and angels cant sense shapeshifters, which might explain why the demon queen wanted shapeshifters dead all those years ago."

"Either way, I should probably practice my power before she tries doing what she did to me as a child again..." I got up, focusing as hard as I can, trying to look like a male harpy. About 30 seconds pass, and I open my eyes to notice the effects I had pulled on myself, looking almost like how Debra would if she were male instead of female.

I had spent an extra few minutes trying to use my newly acquired harpy wings to at worst float off the ground, with decent success. As soon as I got the basics down, Debra immediately opened the hospital window, grabbed me by the waist and flew out.



I smiled a bit upon noticing their antics, before pulling out a walkie talkie, "Hey, uh, Sharon? I got BIG news, turns out THEY aren't extinct yet." I began reactivating my disguise before casually walking out of the hospital. If the shapeshifters as a race are at worst endangered, then humanity might still have some vain form of hope after all...

[End. For real.]