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Crystal1501 t1_is6ccj7 wrote

The robots took over the planet. Everyone feared the worst... what happened was very unexpected though.

At first, we all thought the plan of a scientist failed when programming A.I. into thinking we're cute and cuddly didn't stop the takeover of the planet. But... what happened was that we ended up being seen as pets. Aggressive humans were 'put down', deemed dangerous pets.

Humans which were chronically ill were treated to the best of the robots' abilities; those who couldn't be healed were also put down.

In the end, what we now have are humans who are all timid, shy, pacifistic or submissive, who are in great physical and mental health.

To my understanding, the robots put their own rules in place in order to have a human as a pet - adequate space for their living accommodation, plenty of enrichment, you don't need pairs but every human requires social interaction, make sure they have the opportunity to go out at least once a day, feed them three times a day, make sure to bathe them every day...

There's a bunch of other technicalities, but it's not my business to know. After all, I'm just a pet. I can't say I LIKE it, but I just don't care enough to fight back. Honestly... having someone look after me and treat me as if I'm the most precious thing ever... there are certainly worse fates.

But I want to live a normal life. I may get my chance... my 'owner' accidentally left my room door open... being slow, careful and quiet, I make my way to the front door... as soon as I open it, I hear shouting, and I run, as fast as I can.

If I'm fast enough, I can join the other escaped humans, known to the robots as 'wild humans'. I'm almost there... just a bit further...


I freeze. Just like saying 'treat' to a cat, I cannot resist the offer of free cookies. No, freedom is RIGHT THERE! I keep going.


ARGH! I always thought it was so silly for a cat to be so easily tempted... now I get it... I mean, I'm not going to pass up free cookies... I sigh, turn around and, like a loyal dog, run back to my owner, who promptly leashes me.

I'm taken back to my room, having been given a plate of cookies. Was it worth giving up my freedom for a quick snack? My owner gives me a scratch on my neck.

The answer... is yes.


Thank you for reading! More stories here!


urmoms-toes t1_isr0jm4 wrote

I have never liked a story like this I'm definitely going to go try and find a book like this