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5711735 t1_iuj2tm1 wrote

Another day of being summoned, I hate being summoned. I prefer to spend time alone and avoid summoning duty, but I have to get paid somehow. I say the usual scripted response to being summoned “Human, now that you’ve summoned me know that all I do comes at a price, this ranges from your precious earthly possessions and your soul, do you agree to these terms?”. At this point humans usually back off realizing that summoning is a terrible idea and I get sent back to hell, but to my surprise she actually agreed. “Very well human, what is it that you wish, what you want will determine the price”. She responded with the strangest request I ever heard “what will it cost to have you hang out with me?”. I was stunned, a human wanted to hang out with a demon. “Human, you summoned me, on of the most powerful demons in hell, just to hang out?”. Also yes I am one of the most powerful demons, I have to do something in my solitude, so I just build up my power. “Yes” I stared at her with a confused look on my face, “very well human, if this is your wish, seeing as how it is minor I will be taking 1 week of life from your soul”. “So what do you humans do for fun”, “I typically just watch t.v.”, “also you don’t have to call me human, my name is Emily, what’s yours”. This was strange, for the first time in 500 years someone wanted to know my name. “I am known as Ebinoth, but my friends, if I had any would call me eb”. “Wait, you don’t have friends?” Emily asked that question with suprise. “Unlike most demons, instead of hanging out around earth disqised as humans causing mayhem, I just spend my time in hell alone growing my power or playing with my hell hound.”. “What’s it like being a demon?”. “Emily, why are you so interested in demons?” “I’ve been interested in demons ever since I was a little, I get dreams of being in a fiery place, I assume hell, and I always look up to see a demon who looked like you crying”. When I heard this my mind started racing, what she described wasn’t hell it was me holding the dead body of my wife in the last holy war, in which the only survivor, was me. No one should have memory of that, in less they got reincarnated, but the only being that can reincarnate demons is god.

Part 2?