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Cursed_Insomniac t1_it38l50 wrote

There had never been much good in Gemma's life. Parents didn't care about me growing up, suddenly finding out I was a shape-shifting and learning how to control that, bad in school, bad at friendships, worst luck with finding and keeping a decent job...that was what led to the whole misunderstanding, actually.

It was a job, it barely kept a roof over my head and food in my stomach, but it did. Only issue was walking home late at night on the side of town the seedy old dive bar was in. However, I had realized that if I shifted to a rather large, heavily muscled pitbull everyone left me alone.

Until someone didn't.

It was years ago when that navy Subaru pulled up alongside me, flicking on it's hazards as a woman stepped out into the cold with a sad expression, speaking softly and lowering herself as she called to me. She even pulled out a chicken nugget to offer me.

I don't have any real excuse for why, maybe it was the kindness in her eyes, but I caved. Before I knew it I was being hand fed warm chicken nuggets while getting scritches. Honestly, it was fantastic. I hadn't been petted before and it felt amazing, like when someone scratches that spot between your shoulder blades, but SO much better.

When she opened the trunk and tried to coax me into her car, I just...did. I hopped right in and curled up in the warmth of the car.

Once at her home, she put me in the large bathroom and brought back water and some shredded chicken. I don't know why, but she explained everything to me, as if she knew I would understand. I was in here because she had a little girl who loved puppies, she was the reason she had stopped for me, in fact, and she needed to be sure I wasn't sick before meeting her. It was actually cozy curled up in the tub with the pile of blankets she had brought for me.

The next day held a trip to the vet to check for a microchip. When they didn't find one, she brought me home where I met the husband I'd been warned wouldn't be happy about me.

He was, indeed, not happy about me. That was okay, though, I hadn't intended to stay long.

Until I did. Once I was deemed somewhat safe the little girl was finally allowed to meet the "puppy". I had heard of love at first sight, and now I believed in it.

Little Mia was the physical embodiment of love and joy and all things good in the world. From the moment she saw me she loved me. The years flew by in a contented blur of cuddles and games. I was the model family dog, even John, the husband, quickly came around. Cindy, the wife, was the one who brought me here, but everyone knew I was Mia's dog. We were inseparable, she and I. Mia and Maisy, my new name for a new life.

As the years passed we both grew older, and she moved on from her childish toys. Inevitably, this meant she entered the world of romance. The first few had been alright, nothing special, but not worth keeping, and she hadn't. This one, though...he raised my hackles, but I played nice for Mia's sake. He just felt and smelled wrong...his eyes were untrustworthy, as well.

The day finally came when Mia's parents were out for the evening and she brought the boy home on his insistence. He never liked me, said I made him uncomfortable...but this time, he put me outside and shut the door. After a while, I heard it: Mia yelling for him to stop something.

Mia was yelling for me.

Without hesitating, I shifted back to myself in order to turn the door handle and run inside, forgetting how much slower two legs were than four as I raced for my girl. He had her pinned down while she fought as best she could. Her eyes met mine and widened as I shifted back to Maisy, latching my teeth onto the boy and tearing him off of her.

I had never been so enraged, and I made sure he felt it. I kept up the attack until he left, racing bleeding and screaming about a "rabid dog". Once he was gone, I had gone to check on my Mia, but she stayed away when I came near.

"M-Maisy? Who...what are you? I know what I saw! You were..."

My head hung, and I finally returned to myself, to Gemma, pulling the blanket off the couch with me to cover up as I did so.

"Im sorry, Mia, but you need to forget this. When they ask, say I chased him and didn't come back. They will put me down, they'll have to."

"But, who-"

"I'm Maisy. I'm your Maisy, and that never changes, okay? I just...I don't have time to explain and I-I can't stay, now." My eyes brimmed with tears as my voice cracked with grief.

"Wait!" She looked around, panic in her eyes "Maybe we can hide it! I-I'll clean it all up, I'll say I attacked him, not you-"

"No, Mia, they'll match the bites to me. I cant stay."

"Can you look like another dog?!"

I paused, confused "What?"

"Can you look like another dog? Can't you stay with me?" She begged, starting to cry "I-I don't want to lose my best friend!"

I hesitated, but pulled her into a hug, letting her cry "Yes, I could, but I cant stay like this forever, Mia. I knew I would have to leave someday...and today is that day. I'll be nearby, though. You won't be alone. Focus on school, I'll find you when we can see each other again, okay?"

I left my Mia that day. It broke my heart to do it, but I had to, for both of us.

Years later, I managed to get a decent job and eventually got established with a home of my own. It was hard, but worth it. Mia and I had kept in contact online, sending messages often to each other and occasionally meeting over school breaks where we greeted each other as old friends, telling her friends I was a dear friend of the family. It was so fulfilling to watch her grow up into the radiant, confident woman I knew she would be.

We were both excited, especially since she would be staying with me though her time at college. I smiled excitedly at the arrival time listed, knowing she was coming soon.

I'd finally get to welcome my Mia home again, this time as Aunt Maisy, and I couldn't be happier.


theglittergame t1_it4fo9v wrote

"I'm Maisy. I'm your Maisy, and that never changes, okay?" omg this is so sad but so good and i love it