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robertroquemore t1_it7tkn2 wrote

I had watched her grow up, content to be her pet dog. I would only change form at night, after she was asleep. I usually chose the form of a special ops soldier, since that was my former owner! I learned a lot from him, including the value of "shock and awe"!

I had also picked up on his quick assessment of people, and this new intruder did not smell good at all! Since my owner took me with her to move out, she had spent many lonely nights telling me about her dream man. However, this guy struck me as a nightmare!

I tried to warn her by forging letters from her parents and brother, but nothing worked. She was convinced that if she was patient, he would change. Even the nice landlady told her to kick him out, but she was just too stubborn!

Finally, the day I dreaded came. The intruder came home, yelling and stumbling through the door. He insisted that my owner had told the police about his dealer, and she would pay for his fixes from now on! When she told him to leave, he shoved her to the floor! She screamed for me to get help!

I ran around the side of the porch, and shifted into the soldier form. I quietly moved through the door, where I found him on top of her, screaming in her face! As he raised his hand to hit her, I grabbed his wrist and broke it! He yelled in pain, and I put a knee in his back and put a zip tie on his hands and feet.

The landlady came in with the local police, just after I ran into the next room and shifted back to dog form. I barked in his ear, and went to comfort her. She petted me and told me what a good dog I was! The police took him away for possession and assault, and he went to prison.

The cops were amazed that my owner was strong enough to break his wrist and zip tie him! She swore that a soldier with a helmet came in, did the deed, then disappeared. Since no one could verify this, she figured someone was watching out for her.

About a year later, a new intruder came to meet her. Something was familiar about his scent, and as I came downstairs to check the new boyfriend, I recognized my former owner! Our reunion was great, and the form of a dog became a permanent lifestyle!