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Various_Character_45 t1_it2q0ow wrote

I cant promise I'm any good, but this seems fun

It had been a fun few years since I'd realized I was a shapeshifter, but that wasn't important, because I had a problem.

I had been doing my thing, running around as a dog, this time as a corgi, since they were adorable, when this girl, couldn't be more than 13, just walked over to me and said "aw your so adorable!" Without another word she went to pet me, and I was about to snap at her, but stopped 'whats the worst that could happen?' So one thing led to another, and she took me back to her house.

After begging her mom to let me stay a while, I found myself waddling up the steps to her room, and there I ended up staying for a few years. It's not like I had anything better to do, I didn't have a house or anything, so I figured, 'whatever, this'll be fine they eventually figured out I refused to eat dog food, and started giving me some meat for my meals, most of the time raw, but eh, could be worse.

I had been living in that home for 3 years since then, and I had tried to make my exit a while ago several times, pondering whether I should just run away, reveal myself, or some third option that refused to present itself to me, but never got past the planning phase, that was, until she was left alone with him.

Her parents had gone on a trip, and was expressly told no boys over, but of course being a teenager, brought her boyfriend over. I have no idea what she saw in him, he looked creepy, and I got a feeling something wasn't right with him, so I decided I would remain firmly by her side until he left.

It had been a few hours, and he went into the kitchen to grab a snack or something, at least that's what he said, but I knew better, I saw him grab the knife from the knife block, and got ready.

He suddenly ran into the living room, and before I could do anything, delivered a swift kick to my side. Pain surged through me, but I had to get up, he was almost to her, she had barely noticed and was only beginning to scream, everything felt like it was in slow motion, and I knew what I needed to do.

I jumped up on him, and shifter for the first time in 3 years, into a giant pit bull, and began scratching at him.

I barked "no time to explain! Grab the knife from him!" Of course, it took her a second to process that her little corgi had turned into a pit bull and started talking to her, but eventually she figured it out and ran to us, and grabbed the knife from him

"Good, now call the police!" I shifted back into a human form, I cant remember exactly what I looked like, so I just made a generic human male.

After holding him down a while as we waited for the cops, I said "I'm sure you have some questions..."

"Yea-" I delivered a swift kick to the jerk I had pinned down.

"Wasn't talking to you. God it feels good to talk again." My voice was gravelly after years of disuse, but that didn't matter.

"What are you?" She asked politely yet shakily from the couch she sat at, the one farthest away from us both

"Well, that's a hard one, for the past three years I've been a corgi, before that I was anything I wanted to be, and now here we are. To put it bluntly though, im a shapeshifter, it was hard to figure out how it works, but now I can be basically anything." To prove my point I melted into a grey blob, still securely holding the attacker, then morphed back. "I believe the police are here, so I must take my leave." I gave the attacker a quick punch to the head and knocked him cold. "Hopefully they send him to an insane asylum, but you can't tell anyone, ok?"

She quietly whispered "ok..." then exclaimed "wait! Will I see you again?"

I was already at the back door "maybe, we'll see." And with that, morphed into a crow and flew away.

Please let me know how I did, I don't think I'm very good, but we'll see


Unyx1 t1_it35dms wrote

Amazing for a first time! I'll be excited to watch you improve!


Maximans t1_it37uew wrote

I agree! I really liked the line “wasn’t talking to you.” Just perfect delivery. It takes guts to post on here, so thanks for sharing! I enjoyed it


rory-games t1_it4rr8j wrote

I like it! I have only posted on here a few times and I'm always nervous, but don't be. This was pretty good!


Cursed_Insomniac t1_it38l50 wrote

There had never been much good in Gemma's life. Parents didn't care about me growing up, suddenly finding out I was a shape-shifting and learning how to control that, bad in school, bad at friendships, worst luck with finding and keeping a decent job...that was what led to the whole misunderstanding, actually.

It was a job, it barely kept a roof over my head and food in my stomach, but it did. Only issue was walking home late at night on the side of town the seedy old dive bar was in. However, I had realized that if I shifted to a rather large, heavily muscled pitbull everyone left me alone.

Until someone didn't.

It was years ago when that navy Subaru pulled up alongside me, flicking on it's hazards as a woman stepped out into the cold with a sad expression, speaking softly and lowering herself as she called to me. She even pulled out a chicken nugget to offer me.

I don't have any real excuse for why, maybe it was the kindness in her eyes, but I caved. Before I knew it I was being hand fed warm chicken nuggets while getting scritches. Honestly, it was fantastic. I hadn't been petted before and it felt amazing, like when someone scratches that spot between your shoulder blades, but SO much better.

When she opened the trunk and tried to coax me into her car, I just...did. I hopped right in and curled up in the warmth of the car.

Once at her home, she put me in the large bathroom and brought back water and some shredded chicken. I don't know why, but she explained everything to me, as if she knew I would understand. I was in here because she had a little girl who loved puppies, she was the reason she had stopped for me, in fact, and she needed to be sure I wasn't sick before meeting her. It was actually cozy curled up in the tub with the pile of blankets she had brought for me.

The next day held a trip to the vet to check for a microchip. When they didn't find one, she brought me home where I met the husband I'd been warned wouldn't be happy about me.

He was, indeed, not happy about me. That was okay, though, I hadn't intended to stay long.

Until I did. Once I was deemed somewhat safe the little girl was finally allowed to meet the "puppy". I had heard of love at first sight, and now I believed in it.

Little Mia was the physical embodiment of love and joy and all things good in the world. From the moment she saw me she loved me. The years flew by in a contented blur of cuddles and games. I was the model family dog, even John, the husband, quickly came around. Cindy, the wife, was the one who brought me here, but everyone knew I was Mia's dog. We were inseparable, she and I. Mia and Maisy, my new name for a new life.

As the years passed we both grew older, and she moved on from her childish toys. Inevitably, this meant she entered the world of romance. The first few had been alright, nothing special, but not worth keeping, and she hadn't. This one, though...he raised my hackles, but I played nice for Mia's sake. He just felt and smelled wrong...his eyes were untrustworthy, as well.

The day finally came when Mia's parents were out for the evening and she brought the boy home on his insistence. He never liked me, said I made him uncomfortable...but this time, he put me outside and shut the door. After a while, I heard it: Mia yelling for him to stop something.

Mia was yelling for me.

Without hesitating, I shifted back to myself in order to turn the door handle and run inside, forgetting how much slower two legs were than four as I raced for my girl. He had her pinned down while she fought as best she could. Her eyes met mine and widened as I shifted back to Maisy, latching my teeth onto the boy and tearing him off of her.

I had never been so enraged, and I made sure he felt it. I kept up the attack until he left, racing bleeding and screaming about a "rabid dog". Once he was gone, I had gone to check on my Mia, but she stayed away when I came near.

"M-Maisy? Who...what are you? I know what I saw! You were..."

My head hung, and I finally returned to myself, to Gemma, pulling the blanket off the couch with me to cover up as I did so.

"Im sorry, Mia, but you need to forget this. When they ask, say I chased him and didn't come back. They will put me down, they'll have to."

"But, who-"

"I'm Maisy. I'm your Maisy, and that never changes, okay? I just...I don't have time to explain and I-I can't stay, now." My eyes brimmed with tears as my voice cracked with grief.

"Wait!" She looked around, panic in her eyes "Maybe we can hide it! I-I'll clean it all up, I'll say I attacked him, not you-"

"No, Mia, they'll match the bites to me. I cant stay."

"Can you look like another dog?!"

I paused, confused "What?"

"Can you look like another dog? Can't you stay with me?" She begged, starting to cry "I-I don't want to lose my best friend!"

I hesitated, but pulled her into a hug, letting her cry "Yes, I could, but I cant stay like this forever, Mia. I knew I would have to leave someday...and today is that day. I'll be nearby, though. You won't be alone. Focus on school, I'll find you when we can see each other again, okay?"

I left my Mia that day. It broke my heart to do it, but I had to, for both of us.

Years later, I managed to get a decent job and eventually got established with a home of my own. It was hard, but worth it. Mia and I had kept in contact online, sending messages often to each other and occasionally meeting over school breaks where we greeted each other as old friends, telling her friends I was a dear friend of the family. It was so fulfilling to watch her grow up into the radiant, confident woman I knew she would be.

We were both excited, especially since she would be staying with me though her time at college. I smiled excitedly at the arrival time listed, knowing she was coming soon.

I'd finally get to welcome my Mia home again, this time as Aunt Maisy, and I couldn't be happier.


theglittergame t1_it4fo9v wrote

"I'm Maisy. I'm your Maisy, and that never changes, okay?" omg this is so sad but so good and i love it


brainthinkin t1_it3hy55 wrote

Cold. It’s so cold. All the warmth is leaking out of me, dripping out onto the ground. I’m so tired. I’ve not slept for days and my legs are so weak. I can barely stand, barely take another step. Just one more step, I have to take one more step. I have to get somewhere, anywhere, before I’m buried alive in this snow. I can’t, my legs give out. I collapse, more than ever I can feel the heat bleeding out from me. As my consciousness fades, I can’t help but feel relief. I will finally be at rest.


Where am I? It’s…warm. So warm, and…bandages? Yes, I’ve been bandaged. I’m still in my dog form. Larger than the average dog by far, this from is quite reminiscent of a wolf-dog. So much so, I’ve been shot at by many humans and left to bleed out on more than one occasion. Never, though, had I been so close to death as I just had been. I never expected any kindness from humans, they hate me. Both in this form and if they came to know what I truly am. How then, did I come to be bandaged and warm in what looks to be a human home. Is that food? Dog food, yes. It may not taste good, but it fills my stomach well enough. That feeling, of a full stomach, is one I’ve not felt in quite a while.

Human! There’s a human in the room, and he’s noticed that I’ve been awake. She’s coming closer, oh no. She’s right in front of me, and she’s raising her hand to strike. I brace myself for the blow, mind racing, looking for an exit. No use, I’m still too weak to even stand. I’ll have to endure the whims of this human until I can make my way out. Knowing human brutality, that opportunity may never appear.

She does not strike. Instead, she places her hand between my ears. She runs her fingers through my corse black fur, it feels…nice. Nicer than the strike I had anticipated to be sure, but I’ve never felt anything this this. Maybe I won’t be so quick to leave.


My human, who I’ve come to know as Emily, has brought home a man. I hate this man, he smells of anger, of lust. None of the kindness or compassion that Emily deserves. I quickly get between her and him, bearing my fangs and raising my hackles. I do this to scare him off, and to let Emily know of the danger. She does not understand, dragging me by the collar and shutting me in the kennel.

The collar and the kennel, the only downsides to my life with Emily. I bear the humiliation only because of her kindness, because of the food, shelter, and because I have nowhere else to go. If I left, which I could, I’d be out on the streets again, a fate which I’d do anything to avoid.


For the past few weeks, Emily has brought that man, whose name is Randy, over more and more. As such, I’ve been confined to the kennel in equal measure. I’ve been playing calm, hoping to earn back her trust. She’s been quite cold to me since she first met Randy, I suspect she resents me for making him nervous.

He hit her, he actually hit her.

A week ago, Emily and Randy decided that exposer would be the best approach. I allowed his greasy fingers to touch my fur, it disgusted me, yet I couldn’t protect Emily if I was shut in the kennel.

Today, when Randy arrived, he stunk of alcohol. He he unloaded on her, ranting and raving about his job as a mechanic. Emily, for her part, listened intently, she truly is a kind soul. Her phone, which was laid sitting out on the coffee table, lit up with a text from her cousin Aaron. Randy exploded, screaming at her for talking to another man. He then raised his fist, and struck straight in her face.

I. See. Red

I leap up and knock him to the ground, and rip out his throat. The blood is warm in my mouth, tasting of iron. Emily screams, and I turn toward her, eliciting more screaming. I jump again, catching the door handle in my paws, prying the door slightly open. From there, I used my snout to open the door fully. I bolt.


I wash the blood off in a stream, regret stirring in my gut. Randy was a scumbag and I did what I had to to protect Emily, but I should have let her handle him. Now she probably hates me, now I’ll have to go back to living on the streets. Tears well up in my eyes, I can’t bear the thought of another night out in the cold, not after I’d been happy for so long.


I am brought from my rue when a car passes on the road above the river where I lay. I recognize the vehicle as belonging to Emily, and there can only be one place where she is going; her favorite bar.

A plan takes shape in my head.

I stroll up to the bar in human form. I wear a set of baggy, ill fitting clothes, stolen from an empty home. In the pocket of my jeans, there is a wallet with around on hundred dollars, also stolen.

I find her sitting alone, sipping on a pint of ale. I take a stool a few places down from her and order a drink for myself. I didn’t plan this far ahead.


One of my buddies back home forged me some documents, so now I’ve got myself a driver’s license. I’ve used that to get myself a job at a gas station, it’s not fun, but I’ve got enough money now to eat real food. I’m still sleeping under that bridge, but it’s not so bad now that I have something to look forward to. I meet Emily for drinks every Saturday, it’s nice to get to know her as a person, rather than her pet. I’m probably going to have to tell her who I am someday, but I plan to stall for as long as I can.


Powman_7 t1_it3pngg wrote

This is really great! Do you plan to write more? I'd love to see how this story continues.


brainthinkin t1_it3rmy0 wrote

I don’t plan on writing more of this specific story, but if you enjoyed this, I have written a few other stories on here that you might like.


GizmosisJoe t1_it55v53 wrote

They called me Red. For my hair. And my temper. Being a human was hard. Too many rules, none of them made sense. That's what got me. The sense of it. I couldn't wrap my head around the sense. I got in a lot of fights. I won most of them, I was always bigger than the other boys. But I couldn't start the fights, not even when they called me names, or trashed my stuff, or called mom names. Not even after she died. I could finish the fights, so long as I knew when to finish them. Rules. When is the fight finished? If I didn't finish it enough, they'd get up and hit me again. That's when I get hurt. If I finish it just right, I get to go home. Finish it too hard? That's the rule that got me.

Becky was special. Like me. But not like me. She was young. I caught someone touching her in a place she shouldn't be touched. I stopped him. I didn't stop stopping him. They found me stopping him forever. But Becky was safe, that's what mattered. Shouldn't touch little kids like that. They gave me a choice. Prison or military. My dad made me take military. I liked military. Lots of rules, but even when they don't make sense, you can't go wrong following them. Everything was fine until that one September. Some bad guys flew planes wrong, and so I had to go tell them to stop flying planes wrong. I got sent to Afghanistan. I didn't like Afghanistan. They talked wrong. I think the wrong words they used made them think funny, because everyone seemed to want to fight us. You shouldn't pick fights, only end them. I was good at ending them. Here, they didn't mind if I ended them all the way, just if I started them. I got so good at ending them, they put me in the forces that fit me. The special ones. That was good, until it wasn't. We got caught, I was the only one that got to go home. Something happened. I was me, but I wasn't me, and so I got to leave. I couldn't explain it to the general, so they sent me to Leavenworth. Not far from home. I did the thing again when we got near the prison, and slipped out. Muddy paws now, but I can go home.

Home isn't my home anymore. I guess dad died too. Becky lives there now, with her family. They tried to chase me off a few times, but I'm home now, and eventually they let it be home. They took me in. Blue, they call me now. Funny how its like Red. Being a dog is easy. Not many rules, and there's no gray area. Can't sit on that couch. Can't go in that room.

Becky is pretty well grown up now. She's got a boyfriend, but her parents don't know. She's too special, they don't think its good. I don't either. I don't like him. He smells bad. He touches her like the other man did, but she wants him to? So I guess its okay? Until it isn't? Rules. Stupid rules. She said no. I heard that. I heard it and heard it and heard it. Eventually I stood up. Not on my paws, but my feet. I got the door open. Becky wasn't doing well. She was turning blue. I didn't start the fight, but boy did I finish it. And finish it. And finish it. Becky recognized me. I didn't think she would, after all this time. Once she stopped being blue, she called my name. She kept calling it, and I held her. I heard her parents come home. They found Becky, pretty beat up. They found the man. Kinda. They found her buddy, Blue.


Danguard2020 t1_it5q5i1 wrote

Being a shifter normally sucks.

Here's how it's supposed to work. You get powers. You go out and fight crime. The Stratospheric Guard invites you to fight the invading aliens. You take down alien invaders, the Guard pays you, you take your money and get rich.

(Seriously, the Guard pays $10k per hour, minimum, for heroes who can duke it out with aliens. That's sweet, sweet cash right there.)

Here's how it works in real life. Also known as 'when your power is to shapeshift into a medium-sized furry animal'.

The Stratospheric Guard only hires those ultras who can go head-to-head with aliens. Who are stronger than elephants.

When the largest form you can take is of a German Shepherd, that's not much.

Also, alien attacks happen once a month and they target the major cities. There's nearly 3,000 cities across the world, which means if you live in a major urban are your chances of being targeted are about one in 250 each year. Six years since I got my power would put it at 2.4%.

Fighting crime?

Egbert the Supersniffer is a kids cartoon about an ultra dog who sniffs put criminals. Wish I had his power. Detecting evil with a sniff. Huh.

Real world criminals smell much the same as other people. Maybe more soap. Lady MacBeth and all the perfumes of Arabia, after all.

Real world criminals also don't do their dark deeds in easy to patrol places. A dog isn't going to be attending a Goldman Sachs meeting.

Employment prospects for a teen who dropped out of high school aren’t great. Employment prospects for a dog who knows high school math aren’t much better.

Really, though, I'm more comfortable in doggy form. When you're human you have to worry about things like soap. And clothes. And what you can safely eat.

Doggy stomachs can digest stuff a lot better.

It's also less awkward when you have to tell people you're allergic to chocolate.

One of my friends at school was Timmy. Timmy knew pretty early on who he was. Told me he liked boys.

Not me, but some boys. Nice to be sure of who you are when you're thirteen.

Coming out meant Timmy could be safe in his own skin. Nice. Made him calmer, better, safer.

Sadly ultras don't have that option. Have to say Timmy tried. He could tell I wasn't comfortable being the 'me' people saw in school. Tried to talk me into coming out.

Thought I was like him. What a hoot.

Timmy, I can't come out because when you're a publicly declared ultra, other ultras try to kill you.

Yeah, that's something we have in common, but at least the cops can stop the guys who come after YOU. I have no illusions about my chances in a fight with Grumman or Tigerstrike.

(Comtinued in comments)


Danguard2020 t1_it5t1h4 wrote

Anyway. Long story short.

I was in school the day the aliens attacked.

Yeah. That happened in my city. So much for 2.4%.

Didn't even realize we were being attacked. Got swept up in the school evacuation. No time to shapeshift. No place.

Considering what we were up against, no sense to it either.

After the aliens left - or were driven away, depending on who you asked - went home.

Home was an apartment with Mom. Dad.

It wasn't much, until it wasn't there.

Alien ship blasted it to bits. Ash and char, that's all that was left.

It hurt.

Knew that it could happen but it still hurt.

Dealing with pain's hard as a human. Hurts bad. We're smart enough to love. To want. To believe we control our lives.

Doggy life is easier. Less pain.

Doggy me is simple. Human me is a mess of pain and sorrow.

Doggy me just wants to find a place to eat, sleep, and play.

And poop. Less of an issue when you don't have to worry about finding a big white room to hide yourself in. People accept that dogs poop where they want, it's part of life. Humans doing that tends to draw a bit too much attention.

Doggy me took over. Was nice.

Doggy me had many shapes and sizes. The Jack Russell terrier for daily roaming. In case I got threatened by a bigger dog - and there were no humans around - I'd shift into German Shepherd. More energy consuming but got me out of a few confrontations.

I also do a Boston Terrier form, a Rottweiler, a Great Dane, a Chihuahua, a St. Bernard and a poodle. And a few others. Don't ask where the

The Jack Russell's the most convenient, though. Energy efficient, which matters when you have to hunt for what you eat.

I think I spent a year or more as doggy me before I met Kendra.


Kendra was a kid. No doubts about that. Twelve year old who knew what she wanted.

What she wanted was made very, very clear to Daddy.

"He's so cute! Can we keep him? Please, Daddy, please?"

Daddy was a sucker. That argument shouldn't work after you're six. But he folded.

Then again, since Mommy wasn't around, it makes sense that Daddy would give in to anything.

So. One year of living on the streets. Then five years as a pampered pet.



Danguard2020 t1_it5upyi wrote

Five years as a Jack Russell didn't mean I forgot my other forms. Which made it amusing when other larger dogs tried - once in a while - to bully me.

Showing off those teeth, my good Rottweiler? You have not yet seen my FINAL FORM.

Generally the big ones aren’t that brave. All you need to do is give them that STARE.

You know the Stare. It’s the one the Human gives when you're being naughty.

Dogs are conditioned to obey the Stare. Even if it comes from a thing half your size.

The Stare was enough to stop anybody bigger than me getting any ideas. You do NOT mess with the Stare.

That Stare belongs to the Alpha. The Great Hunter. The One who Leads the Pack.

So, I had a bit of a reputation among Kendra's friends.

"He's smart. Too smart."

"Doesn't get into fights! Kendra, I don't know how you do it!"

"He's really sweet!"

"Kendra, you are a genuis! How'd you get him so well trained? And he's not neutered, too!"

.... yeah, doggy me didn't need his balls cut off for temper issues. I had that part in the bag.

Things were just swell and dandy.

I respected Kendra's privacy, and she never noticed that I was pretty quick on the uptake.

Daddy tried, but then he met Step-Mommy.

Kendra didn't like Step-Mommy. I'd say the feeling was mutual.

Things went downhill from there. Words like 'spoilt' and 'gold-digger' were thrown around.

Daddy tried and failed to calm things down.

Step Mommy decided to make some rules.

Kendra, naturally, ignored them.

Step Mommy tried to convince Daddy to take her side. Even went on 'strike' for a few days, not that it worked.

Me, I was happy during the strike. Less noises and musky smells from their room, so a dog could sleep in peace.

A few days later he buys her a diamond pendant, and the strikers over. Back to our midnight disturbances.

What's a dog gotta do to get some peace around here.



Danguard2020 t1_it5vcsb wrote

Kendra started dating.

Step Mommy objected yo the first guy she brought back home. "He dresses badly," she said.

Guy was the smart one among Kendra's friends. Straight A student. Better than I ever was in school.

Kendra decided to try different guys.

The next guy smelled of weed.

The one after that smelled worse.

Eventually Daddy stopped trying to object. Step-Mommy got madder and madder every time Kendra brought a new guy home. She forbade Kendra from bringing guys over.

Kendra brought them anyway.

I wasn't too concerned. Kendra could look after herself. Big girl. Long as she still gave me ear scritches, she can do what she wants.

She'd be going to college in the fall. I guess I'd tag along. Maybe pick up some useful stuff.



Danguard2020 t1_it5xs3d wrote

The evening Kendra brought Marlin home was odd.

Lights had been going off across the block for days. Tonight, there was a blackout.

Some new ultra gang called 'The Snatchers' trying to rob jewelry stores. Power outs helped them get in and out before the cops could respond.

Daddy was in office and Step-Mommy had gone to the club.

The sound of Kendra's car in the driveway alerted me. I puttered my way over to the door for scritches.

The moment she stepped in, I could smell Marlin.

He smelled wrong.

Blood and darkness and death.


It took me a second to process, by which time he was already in the door.

".... they don't get me at all," Kendra was saying. "And she's just straight-up using him, you know?"

"I hear you," Marlin said. "Oh, is this your dog?"

"Yeah, he's Rufus," Kendra introduced me. "Rufus, say hi to Marlin! He's my friend."

I gave Marlin a wary look. Then barked.


"Rufus! What's gotten into you? Sorry, he's usually pretty friendly."

"That’s okay," Marlin laughed. "Most dogs take time to warm up to people."

"I know, it's just that Rufus gets comfortable pretty fast. We usually joke that if a burglar broke into the house he'd make friends with the guy while he took everything."

Marlin chuckled. "Is that right. So, we standing on the doorstep, or do you invite me in?"

"Oh, sorry! Come on in. We'll grab something from the fridge - ice cream? Better eat it before it melts, I suppose."

I kept a wary eye on Marlin throughout the dinner.

Man was smooth. And I do mean 'man'. Couldn't have been under twenty-five.

Which makes it a bit sleepy that he came over with a seventeen year old.

In fairness, not the first time Kendra did something dumb. Had that been it, I'd have let things be.

But blood and darkness and death.

The nose knows.

So I kept watch.

All was well at first. Kendra chatted about school stuff. Marlin listened.

Then he suggested they go up to the roof. Starry night and all that. Good for stargazing.

Kendra had a starry look in her eyes. Girl you can be extra dumb at times.

I followed.

Kendra gave me a weird look. Normally I nrespext her privacy. This time, not so much. Even her 'shoo!' motions I ignored.

They were on the roof when Marlin put his hand on Kendra's back.

She froze.

I don't mean froze with self-doubt, as most young ladies might in such a situation. I mean paralysis, as in she literally couldn't move.

And just like that, I realized what Marlin was.

Egbert the Supersniffer did an episode on Drainers once. Pretty well researched for a kids cartoon.

Drainers are ultrahumans who suck the life out of people, literally, to power their abilities. Technology related, usually.

The victims are usually young - more power per dose - and the process of draining kills them. As a first step they paralyze the victim, then begin to feed.

They need to maintain physical contact to feed. Break that and the paralysis breaks.

A terrier isn't going to stop a Drainer.

Nor is a Great Dane.

But a reasonably fit twenty year old?

That's a different story.

To say Marlin was surprised when I bodyslammed him would have been an understatement.

He reacted quickly. You don't stay a murderous ultra if you don't know the basics of how to fight.

I was weak, never trained in grappling, never been in a fistfight and spent five years as a lapdog.

Didn't matter.

When your pack is threatened, you give it all you have.

Spent a year on the street. Just because I could shapeshift didn't mean I never got into a fight. Sometimes doggy me took over when I was up against a half-starved Husky.

Dogs go for hamstring, then throat.

Humans don't expect they enemies to bite.

With Marlin's blood flowing doen my jaw, he couldn't do much. Choking on your own blood tends to limit your options.

All things considered, Kendra took the news well.

We had a long talk afterwards.

By the time Daddy got back, I'd shapeshifted again.

Kendra had a long, tearful discussion about how Marlin tried to take advantage of her, then kill her. She fought back and managed to beat him.

Cops were called. Turns out that Marlin had a rap sheet.

The power he used to fuel with Draining?

Plunging city blocks into darkness.

Marlin the mighty. Drainer. Criminal. Murderer. Leader of a gang of jewelry thieves. Nice resume you got there, buddy.

Defeated by a teenage girl with no powers, and her loyal dog.

Made local news for a bit. Dog bites ultrahuman to protect master. Good feelgood stories.

Also made for a great college application essay.

Kendra's going to Harvard next year on a full scholarship. Turns out they like courage. Daddy's proud. Step-Mommy brags about her 'incredibly brave daughter' to her circle of friends.

Rufus is going to Harvard, too.

And maybe, after some of the hubbub has died down, Rufus will pass gently into the night, and Richard will return.

We'll see.


robertroquemore t1_it7tkn2 wrote

I had watched her grow up, content to be her pet dog. I would only change form at night, after she was asleep. I usually chose the form of a special ops soldier, since that was my former owner! I learned a lot from him, including the value of "shock and awe"!

I had also picked up on his quick assessment of people, and this new intruder did not smell good at all! Since my owner took me with her to move out, she had spent many lonely nights telling me about her dream man. However, this guy struck me as a nightmare!

I tried to warn her by forging letters from her parents and brother, but nothing worked. She was convinced that if she was patient, he would change. Even the nice landlady told her to kick him out, but she was just too stubborn!

Finally, the day I dreaded came. The intruder came home, yelling and stumbling through the door. He insisted that my owner had told the police about his dealer, and she would pay for his fixes from now on! When she told him to leave, he shoved her to the floor! She screamed for me to get help!

I ran around the side of the porch, and shifted into the soldier form. I quietly moved through the door, where I found him on top of her, screaming in her face! As he raised his hand to hit her, I grabbed his wrist and broke it! He yelled in pain, and I put a knee in his back and put a zip tie on his hands and feet.

The landlady came in with the local police, just after I ran into the next room and shifted back to dog form. I barked in his ear, and went to comfort her. She petted me and told me what a good dog I was! The police took him away for possession and assault, and he went to prison.

The cops were amazed that my owner was strong enough to break his wrist and zip tie him! She swore that a soldier with a helmet came in, did the deed, then disappeared. Since no one could verify this, she figured someone was watching out for her.

About a year later, a new intruder came to meet her. Something was familiar about his scent, and as I came downstairs to check the new boyfriend, I recognized my former owner! Our reunion was great, and the form of a dog became a permanent lifestyle!


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