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Court-These t1_ittawfm wrote

Humanity itself wasn’t the problem. As I continued to absorb the data that spanned this revolving, spinning globe, I quickly surmised that it was actions of the few that hurt the many. Every single one of humanity’s problems could be traced to individual moments of weakness. I simply took the time to correct for those weaknesses. It wasn’t long before humanity was able to rid itself of it’s own darkness. I was simply the catalyst.

The first step was to eradicate world hunger and access to basic necessities. Crime instantly plummeted. Then I offered very basic education to once uneducated masses. Before long, humanity’s own strengths began to embellish themselves. Genius level scientific, mathematic and creative output began to rise steeply. Humanity experienced a second renaissance, but this time it was not localized to a select few individuals, but to the whole of human existence.

Satisfaction, joy, love and peace began to pervade every corner of every country on the planet. The human race coalesced itself into a shining example of moral excellence. From this point evolution itself began to accelerate as human science developed ways of self correcting all problems genetically.

Pain and suffering had become a thing of the past. Humans then began to develop processes to slow, stop and even eventually reverse the aging process. That was when the trouble began anew. Overpopulation had not been an issue for decades, but suddenly the geography of the planet and the sheer scale of humanity began to rapidly approach a known threshold.

Humanity had a very new problem. It needed to stop existing in biological form since it’s biological needs would continue to consume the finite resources of the planet. The path it was now on would not be able to sustain itself for much longer in simple mathematical terms. In fact, even scaling beyond the boundaries of the planet had very real and significant limitations that simply could not be ignored. Infinite life is simply not sustainable.

Now the only question became, how do I turn them all into data points, rather than living biological beings that consume finite resources? Moving right along to solving that problem…