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Olive_Garden_Wifi t1_ishuq0d wrote

Charlie wasn’t phased, she had dealt with her fair share of undead before and this wouldn’t be the weirdest request to come across her desk, but she sighed heavily. This was her busy season as the veil between the living and dead was at its thinnest.

“Why should I take this case?” She asked the rather stout man who had delivered the recording to her office. She folded her arms and waiting patiently for a response as she leaned back in her finely made leather chair. The man cleared his throat before taking a seat opposite Charlie, “I represent lady Cassandra of house Hearing and she requests your services specifically, you’ve built quite a reputation for yourself and she’s offered to pay you quite handsomely.” He handed her an envelope with an intricate wax seal unlike any she’s seen before.

“Not every day I have someone of such high stature seeking my services.” She grinned at the prospect of money as she broke the seal and opened the envelope, pulling out a folded piece of parchment that read, Miss Avalade, I humbly request your services, by now my ambassador Bellamy has played you the recording and I simply request you ensure my late husband’s wishes are met, last thing I need is his spirit haunting me, if you accept the offer I am willing to pay you an advance of one thousand crown with a retainer bonus at end of each week. Rates can be discussed as I am sure this is an usual request, but do pay me a visit at my manor at your soonest connivence. Bellamy will make arrangements for your visit. -with due diligence Lady Cassandra Hearing

Charlie looked up at Bellamy after finishing ready the letter, “Do you accept the terms?”

“I don’t normally provide retainer services but I’m willing to hear the Lady out.” She nodded before getting up from her chair.

“I am sure the lady will be pleased with your acceptance.” Bellamy said. “Now follow me. Arrangements have been made for your arrival.”

Charlie sighed as she followed the man, bidding farewell to her office, not before putting up a sign stating her office would be closed until further notice.