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poteaser t1_it3xtu2 wrote

Wait, are the two "Dox's" one in the same? As in..., he's been sleeping with his unborn future daughter? Wow.


BlueOrangeMorality t1_it44758 wrote

Yes. It's the bootstrap paradox, aka a causal loop.

She only exists because she went back in time, and that's why in the first part Dox and her mother have the 'in joke' of saying they love themselves, instead of each other--because they are each other, as much as they are both themselves.

Which leads to the question: if Dox is her own mother, and her mother was her own mother, and mother's mother, grandmother, so on and so forth... then where did the 'original' Dox come from? From what ancestor does her genetic material trace?

Another paradox to ponder: Since she slept with the man who would become her own father, but when they slept together he wasn't her father yet, is it actually incest?